Man pages for dsrobertson/onlineFDR
Online error rate control

ADDISADDIS: Adaptive discarding algorithm for online FDR control
ADDIS_spendingADDIS-spending: Adaptive discarding algorithm for online FWER...
Alpha_investingAlpha-investing for online FDR control
Alpha_spendingAlpha-spending for online FWER control
BatchBHBatchBH: Online batch FDR control using the BH procedure
BatchPRDSBatchPRDS: Online batch FDR control under Positive Dependence
BatchStBHBatchStBH: Online batch FDR control using the St-BH procedure
bonfInfiniteOnline FDR control based on a Bonferroni-like test
LONDLOND: Online FDR control based on number of discoveries
LONDstarLONDstar: Asynchronous online mFDR control based on number of...
LORDLORD: Online FDR control based on recent discovery
LORDdepLORD (dep): Online FDR control based on recent discovery for...
LORDstarLORDstar: Asynchronous online mFDR control based on recent...
online_fallbackOnline fallback procedure for FWER control
onlineFDR-deprecatedDeprecated functions in package 'onlineFDR'
onlineFDR-packageonlineFDR: A package for online error rate control
SAFFRONSAFFRON: Adaptive online FDR control
SAFFRONstarSAFFRONstar: Adaptive online mFDR control for asynchronous...
StoreyBHStoreyBH: Offline FDR control using the St-BH procedure
supLORDsupLORD: Online control of the false discovery exceedance...
dsrobertson/onlineFDR documentation built on April 21, 2023, 8:17 p.m.