
Functions to Simulate Electrochemistry Experiments

Table 1 lists the four functions in this package that simulate electrochemistry experiments. Each function takes a set of arguments that define the experiment and each returns an extensive set of results as a list.

|function|electrochemistry experiment| |--------|----------------| |simulateCA|chronoamperometry (single and double pulse)| |simulateCC|chronocoulometry (single and double pulse)| |simulateCV|cyclic voltammetry| |simulateLSV|linear-sweep voltammetry (with and without stirring)|

Table: Functions to Simulate Electrochemistry Experiments

Simulating a Cyclic Voltammetry Experiment

The format for the function simulateCV is shown here

simulateCV = function(e.start = 0.0, e.switch = -0.5, e.form = -0.25,
                      mechanism = c("E", "EC", "CE"),
                      ko = 1, kcf = 0, kcr = 0,
                      n = 1, alpha = 0.50, d = 1e-5, area = 0.01,
                      temp = 298.15, scan.rate = 1.0, conc.bulk = 1e-3,
                      t.units = 2000, x.units = 180, sd.noise = 0)

with its arguments and their default values defined below (units shown in parentheses):

To use the simulateCV function, we assign it to an object and pass along values for the function's arguments. For example, if we wish to accept the function's default values---as defined above---then we enter the following line of code where cv1 is the object that contains the simulation's results.

cv1 = simulateCV()

If we wish to change the value for any of the function's arguments, then we simply enter those values within the parentheses; thus, to simulate a two-electron reduction and a scan rate of 0.1 V/s---and here we also change the number of time units and the number of distance units to decrease the size of the resulting file---we enter the following line of code

cv2 = simulateCV(n = 2, scan.rate = 0.1, t.units = 1000, x.units = 100)

Once created, we can use R's structure command, str(), to examine the information stored within the object as a list:


In addition to returning the function's many inputs, the list also includes scalers that return the direction in which the potential was scanned (--1 for a cathodic scan or +1 for a anodic scan) and the type of file (full data or reduced data; more on this later), vectors that return the times and distances, the current as a function of time, the potential as a function of time, the forward and the reverse heterogenous electron transfer rate constants as a function of time, and the flux of Ox and Red as a function of time, and matrices that return values for the concentrations of Ox, Red, and Z as a function of time and of distance. Items in this list are used by other functions that display the result of the simulated cyclic voltrammetry experiment.

Simulating a Linear Sweep Voltammetry Experiment

The format for simulateLSV is shown here

simulateLSV = function(e.start = 0.0, e.end = -1, e.form = -0.25,
                  mechanism = c("E", "EC", "CE"),
                  ko = 1, kcf = 0, kcr = 0,
                  n = 1, alpha = 0.50, d = 1e-5, area = 0.01,
                  temp = 298.15, scan.rate = 1.0, conc.bulk = 1e-3,
                  t.units = 2000, x.units = 180, sd.noise = 0,
                  stir.rate = c("off", "slow", "medium", "fast"))

With two exceptions, the arguments passed to simulateLSV are identical to those included in simulateCV; the two unique arguments are

The function is used in the same way as with simulateCV, returning the results as a list; thus, to simulate a linear sweep voltammogram using all default conditions but with maximum stirring, we enter the following R code

lsv1 = simulateLSV(stir.rate = "fast")

Simulating a Chronoamperometry Experiment

The format for simulateCA is shown here

simulateCA = function(e.start = 0.0, e.pulse = -0.5, e.form = -0.25,
                      mechanism = c("E", "EC", "CE"),
                      ko = 1, kcf = 0, kcr = 0,
                      pulses = c("single", "double"),
                      t.1 = 10, t.2 = 0, t.end = 30,
                      n = 1, alpha = 0.50, d = 1e-5, area = 0.01,
                      temp = 298.15, conc.bulk = 1e-3,
                      t.units = 2000, x.units = 180, sd.noise = 0)

Many of the arguments passed to simulateCA are identical to those included in simulateCV; arguments unique to simulateCA are

The function is used in the same way as with simulateCV, returning the results as a list; thus, to simulate a double step chonoamperometry experiment with potential pulses at 5 s and 10 s, a total time of 15 s---and all other conditions set to their default values---we enter the following R code

ca1 = simulateCA(pulses = "double", t.1 = 5, t.2 = 10, t.end = 15)

Simulating a Chronocoulometry Experiment

The format for ccSim, which is shown here

simulateCC = function(filename)

takes as its only argument the name of an object created using simulateCA. The function completes a trapezoidal integration to convert the chronoamperogram (current vs. time) into a chronocoulomgram (charge vs. time) and returns to its assigned object a list of results; thus, to simulate the chronocoulogram based on the chronoamperometry experiment described above, we enter the following R code

cc1 = simulateCC(ca1)

Functions to Reduce the Size of a Simulation's File

The four simulation functions described above create moderately large data files because they return data for all aspects of the simulation's computation. For example, the file returned when running a simulation using the default condtions simulateCV is 2.4 Mb in size. The four sample functions

|function| |operates on object created using...| |--------|--|----------------------------------| |sampleCA||simulateCA| |sampleCC||simulateCC| |sampleCV||simulateCV| |sampleLSV||simulateLSV|

Table: Functions to Sample a Simulation

return a limited amount of data: the type of experiment, an indication that the data is reduced, and vectors of currents (sampleCA, sampleCV, and sampleLSV) or charges (sampleCC), and vectors of potentials (sampleCV and sampleLSV) or times (sampleCA and sampleCC). All four functions have the same general format, as shown here for sampleCV

sampleCV = function(filename, data.reduction = 1)

where filename is the name of the object that contains results for the original simulation, and data.reduction is the percent of data to retain (which is evenly spaced over time); thus, the following R code returns 10% of the data from a simulated cyclic voltammetry experiment.

cv2_sample = sampleCV(cv2, data.reduction = 10)

Functions to Examine the Result of a Simulation

As described in the previous sections, the functions in Table 1 and Table 2 return a list of values that include parameters passed to the functions and the results of the simulation itself. In this section we consider how to examine the results of a simulation either as a static visualization or as a dynamic visualization.

Static Visualizations

There are two basic types of static visualizations: plot, which provides a variety of options for visualizing the results of one or, in some cases, more electrochemical simulations

|function|operates on object created by...|displays...| |-------------|--------------------------|---------------------------------------| plotCA|simulateCA, sampleCA|current vs. time for 1--5 simulations| |||| plotCC|simulateCC, sampleCC|charge vs. time for 1--5 simulations| |||| plotCV|simulateCV, sampleCV|current vs. potential for 1--5 simulations| |||| plotLSV|simulateLSV, sampleLSV|current vs. potential for 1--5 simulations| |||| plotPotential|simulateCA, simulateCC, simulateCV, simulateLSV|potential vs. time| |||| plotDiffusion|simulateCA, simulateCC, simulateCV, simulateLSV|concentrations of Ox, Red, and Z vs. distance at a specified time| |||| plotGrid|simulateCA, simulateCC, simulateCV, simulateLSV| diffusion profiles for Ox, Red, and Z at eight equally-spaced times, arranged around a central plot that shows the chronoamperogram, chronocoulogram, cyclic voltammogram, or linear sweep voltammogram| |||| |plotDiffGrid|simulateCA, simulateCC, simulateCV, simulateLSV|concentration of Ox, Red, Z, or all three as a function of time and distance|

Table: Static Visualizations Using the plot Functions

and annotate, which displays the result for a single simulation along with the characteristic values used to evaluate electrochemical and chemical reversibility.

|function|operates on object created by...|displays...| |-------------|--------------------------|---------------------------------------| |annotateCA|simulateCA|current vs. time annotated with characteristic values for the current at a specified time following each pulse and, for a double-pulse experiment, the resulting current ratio| |||| |annotateCC|simulateCC|charge vs. time annotated with characteristic values for the charge at a specified time following each pulse and, for a double-pulse experiment, the resulting charge ratio| |||| |annotateCV|simulateCV|current vs. potential annotated with characteristic values for the peak potentials, the peak currents, the average and the difference in the peak potentials, and the peak current ratio| |||| |annotateLSV|simulateLSV|current vs. potential annotated with characteristic values for the peak potential and the peak current|

Table: Static Visualizations Using the annotate Functions

Static Visualizations for a Cyclic Voltammetry Simulation

To view the potential profile for a simulation, we use the plotPotential function, which takes the following form

plotPotential = function(filename, main_title = NULL)

where filename is the name of an object that contains the results of a simulation and main_title is an optional title supplied as a character string; thus

plotPotential(cv2, main_title = "Potential Profile for a Simulated Cyclic Voltammogram")

To examine the diffusion profile for a simulation, we choose from among three options:

plotDiffusion = function(filename, t = 1)
plotGrid = function(filename)
plotDiffGrid = function(filename, species = c(TRUE, TRUE, FALSE),
                         scale.factor = 1)

where filename is the name of an object that contains the results of a simulation, t is the selected time, species indicates whether the diffusion profile is returned for, in order, Ox, Red, and Z, and scale.factor allows for adjusting the distances being displayed. The function plotDiffusion returns the diffusion profiles for Ox, Red, and Z (where appropriate) as a function of distance from the electrode at the specified time.

plotDiffusion(cv2, t = 8)

The function plotGrid returns a $3 \times 3$ grid that consists of eight diffusion profiles---equally spaced in time---arranged around a central plot of the simulation's cyclic voltammogram.


The function plotDiffGrid returns a heatmap showing the concentrations of Ox, Red, and/or Z as a function of time and distance; here we choose to display only Ox and to display only the first 25% of the distance from the electrode surface

plotDiffGrid(cv2, species = c(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), scale.factor = 0.25)

The function plotCV is used to display the cyclic voltammogram for 1--5 simulations, making it easy to examine how a change in simulation parameters affects the cyclic voltammogram. The function's format is shown here

plotCV = function(filenames = list(file1 = NULL, file2 = NULL),
                        legend_text = NULL,
                        legend_position = c("topleft", "topright",
                                            "bottomleft", "bottomright"),
                        main_title = NULL,
                        line_widths = c(2, 2, 2, 2, 2),
                        line_types = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5),
                        point_symbols = c(21, 22, 23, 24, 25),
                        line_colors = c("blue", "blue", "blue",
                                        "blue", "blue"))

where filenames is a list that contains 1--5 objects created using simulateCV or sampleCV, legend_text is an optional vector with descriptive character strings for each simulation, legend_position is a character string that indicates where the legend is placed if legend_text is not NULL, main_title is an optional character string, and line_widths, line_types, and line_colors specify the width, type, and color of the lines used for each cyclic voltammogram. The code below, for example, plots the full and reduced cyclic voltammograms that we created earlier and adds a legend.

plotCV(filenames = list(cv2, cv2_sample), 
       legend_text = c("full data", "reduced data"), 
       line_colors = c("black", "blue"), 
       line_types = c(1, 1))

The line types are 1 = solid, 2 = dashed, 3 = dotted, 4 = dot dash, and 5 = long dash, and the point symbols are circle = 21, square = 22, diamond = 23, upward triangle = 24, and downward triangle = 25. As is evident from this example, it is not necessary to match the number of values in line_widths, line_types, and line_colors to the number of files passed to the function.

Finally, the annotateCV function returns a plot of the cyclic voltammogram that is annotated with key characteristic values used to evaluate electrochemical and chemical reversibility: the cathodic peak potential, $E_{p,c}$, the anodic peak potential, $E_{p,a}$, the difference between the peak potentials, $\Delta E$, the average peak potential, $E_{\textrm{avg}}$, the cathodic peak current, $i_{p,c}$, the anodic peak current, $i_{p,a}$, and the peak current ratio, $|i_{p,c}|/|i_{p,a}|$. The function's format is shown here

annotateCV = function(filename, forward.per = 5, reverse.per = 5, 
                      threshold = 0.05)

where filename is a single object that contains the results of a simulated cyclic voltammogram. The arguments forward.per and reverse.per define the percentage of data used to determine the peak currents for the forward and the reverse scans: for the forward scan the default is the first 5% of the data and for the reverse scan the default is the first 5% of the data following the switching potential. The threshold argument is the minimum measurable current to report, in µA.


See the document Additional Examples for other ideas on how to create static visualizations for chronomperometry, chronocoulometry, cyclic voltammetry, and linear sweep voltammetry experiments.

Dynamic Visualizations

A static visualization provides a single fixed view of a simulation; a dynamic visualization displays the simulation as an animation that consists of 40 frames. As outlined in Table 5, each of the animate functions shows both how the diffusion profiles for Ox, Red, and Z (when using an EC or a CE mechanism) develop over time as the chronoamperogram, the chronocoulogram, the cyclic voltammogram, or the linear sweep voltammogram develops.

|function|operates on object created by...|shows...| |-------------|--------------------------|---------------------------------------| |animateCA|simulateCA|how the diffusion profiles for Ox, Red, and (where appropriate) Z changes as a function of time and how the current changes as a function of time| |||| |animateCC|simulateCC|how the diffusion profiles for Ox, Red, and (where appropriate) Z changes as a function of time and how the charge changes as a function of time| |||| |animateCV|simulateCV|how the diffusion profiles for Ox, Red, and (where appropriate) Z changes as a function of time and how the current changes as a function of potential| |||| |animateLSV|simulateLSV|how the diffusion profiles for Ox, Red, and (where appropriate) Z changes as a function of time and how the current changes as a function of potential|

Table: Dynamic Visualizations Using the animate Functions

Dynamic Visualization for a Cyclic Voltammetry Simulation

The animateCV function takes the following form

animateCV = function(filename, out_type = c("html", "gif"), out_name = "aniCV")

where filename is the name of the object created using simulateCV, out_type gives the type of animation, which is either an html (default) or a gif animation, and out_name is used to construct names for the files the function creates. For example, the following code

animateCV(cv1, out_type = "gif", out_name = "cv1")

which is not executed here, creates a single file with name cv1.gif, which contains the images that make up the animation. When using the option to create an html animation, the function creates folders with the necessary CSS styling and javascript, a folder with the name cv1_dir that contains image files that make up the animation, and an html file with the name cv1.html with the html code to display the animation in a browser. The other animate functions work in the same way. Note that all files created by the animate functions are saved to the current working directory.

dtharvey/eChem documentation built on July 9, 2019, 1:35 a.m.