
## ---- eval = FALSE-------------------------------------------------------
#  # load the eChem package so that its functions are available
#  library(eChem)

## ---- eval = FALSE-------------------------------------------------------
#  # simulate the cyclic voltammogram
#  example1 = simulateCV(e.start = 0, e.switch = -0.5, e.form = -0.25,
#                        mechanism = "E", scan.rate = 1, area = 0.01,
#                        temp = 298, conc.bulk = 1e-3, n = 1, d = 1e-5,
#                        alpha = 0.5, ko = 1, kcf = 0, kcr = 0)
#  # show plot of the applied potential; note that the y-axis here
#  # runs in the opposite direction than that shown in Gosser's Figure
#  # 2-7 with more negative potentials shown on the bottom
#  plotPotential(example1)
#  # show plot of the cyclic voltammogram
#  plotCV(list(example1))
#  # adjust the plotting window to display six plots in a 2 by 3 array
#  old.par = par(mfrow = c(2, 3))
#  # plot the diffusion profiles; note that the scale on the x-axis
#  # extends to greater distances from the electrode than does those
#  # shown in Gosser's Figure 2-8
#  plotDiffusion(example1, t = 0.225)
#  plotDiffusion(example1, t = 0.275)
#  plotDiffusion(example1, t = 0.380)
#  plotDiffusion(example1, t = 0.725)
#  plotDiffusion(example1, t = 0.775)
#  plotDiffusion(example1, t = 0.880)
#  # reestablish the original plot window
#  par(old.par)
#  # the plotGrid function provides a similar view of the diffusion
#  # profiles, but includes a cyclic voltammogram that indicates the
#  # specific time and potential for each diffusion profile
#  plotGrid(example1)
#  # the animate function shows how the cyclic voltammogram and the
#  # diffusion profiles change as the potential is scanned from
#  # e.start to e.switch and back to e.start; note that the files
#  # created by this function are saved to the current working
#  # directory
#  animateCV(example1, out_type = "html", out_name = "example1")

## ---- eval = FALSE-------------------------------------------------------
#  # simulate the cyclic voltammograms
#  example2a = simulateCV(ko = 1, e.switch = -0.8, e.form = -0.4)
#  example2b = simulateCV(ko = 0.01, e.switch = -0.8, e.form = -0.4)
#  example2c = simulateCV(ko = 0.001, e.switch = -0.8, e.form = -0.4)
#  example2d = simulateCV(ko = 0.0001, e.switch = -0.8, e.form = -0.4)
#  # overlay the four cyclic voltammograms and add a legend
#  plotCV(list(example2a, example2b, example2c, example2d),
#         legend_text = c("ko = 1 cm/s", "ko = 0.01 cm/s",
#                         "ko = 0.001 cm/s", "ko = 0.0001 cm/s"))

## ---- eval = FALSE-------------------------------------------------------
#  # simulate the cyclic voltammograms
#  example3a = simulateCV(ko = 0.0001, alpha = 0.75, e.start = 0.4,
#                         e.switch = -1.2, e.form = -0.4)
#  example3b = simulateCV(ko = 0.0001, alpha = 0.50, e.start = 0.4,
#                         e.switch = -1.2, e.form = -0.4)
#  example3c = simulateCV(ko = 0.0001, alpha = 0.25, e.start = 0.4,
#                         e.switch = -1.2, e.form = -0.4)
#  # overlay the three cyclic voltammograms and add a legend
#  plotCV(list(example3a, example3b, example3c),
#         legend_text = c("alpha = 0.75", "alpha = 0.50", "alpha = 0.25"))

## ---- eval = FALSE-------------------------------------------------------
#  # simulate the cyclic voltammograms
#  example4a = simulateCV(mechanism = "EC", ko = 1, kcf = 0, kcr = 0)
#  example4b = simulateCV(mechanism = "EC", ko = 1, kcf = 2.5, kcr = 0)
#  example4c = simulateCV(mechanism = "EC", ko = 1, kcf = 100, kcr = 0)
#  example4d = simulateCV(mechanism = "EC", ko = 1, kcf = 1000, kcr = 0,
#                         t.units = 4000)
#  # overlay the cyclic voltammograms and add a legend
#  plotCV(list(example4a, example4b, example4c, example4d),
#         legend_text = c("kcf = 0", "kcf = 2.5", "kcf = 100", "kcf = 1000"))

## ---- eval = FALSE-------------------------------------------------------
#  # simulate the chronoamperograms
#  example5a = simulateCA(mechanism = "EC", pulses = "double",
#                         t.1 = 0.001, t.2 = 0.003, t.end = 0.005,
#                         kcf = 50)
#  example5b = simulateCA(mechanism = "EC", pulses = "double",
#                         t.1 = 0.001, t.2 = 0.003, t.end = 0.005,
#                         kcf = 100, t.units = 3000)
#  example5c = simulateCA(mechanism = "EC", pulses = "double",
#                         t.1 = 0.001, t.2 = 0.003, t.end = 0.005,
#                         kcf = 500, t.units = 5000)
#  # overlay the chronoamperograms and add a legend
#  plotCA(list(example5a, example5b, example5c), scale = 0.2,
#         legend_text = c("kcf = 50", "kcf = 100", "kcf = 500"),
#         legend_position = "topright")

## ---- eval = FALSE-------------------------------------------------------
#  # simulate the cyclic voltammogram
#  example6 = simulateCV(e.start = -1, e.switch = -1.65, e.form = -1.529,
#                   conc.bulk = 0.002, ko = 0.012, alpha = 0.78,
#                   kcf = 580, kcr = 0, mechanism = "EC", area = 0.019,
#                   scan.rate = 0.3, d = 1.7e-6, t.units = 11000)
#  # display the cyclic voltammogram
#  plotCV(filenames = list(example6))

## ---- eval = FALSE-------------------------------------------------------
#  # simlulate the cyclic voltammograms; for the second example, the
#  # return peak is sufficiently distorted such that its peak
#  # current cannot be determined
#  example7a = simulateCV(ko = 1, e.switch = -0.8, e.form = -0.4)
#  example7b = simulateCV(ko = 0.0001, e.switch = -0.8, e.form = -0.4)
#  # plot the annotated cyclic voltammograms
#  annotateCV(example7a)
#  annotateCV(example7b)

## ---- eval = FALSE-------------------------------------------------------
#  # simlulate the linear sweep voltammograms; for the first example
#  # the solution is not stirred, but for the second example the
#  # stir rate is set to slow
#  example8a = simulateLSV(ko = 1, e.start = 0, e.end = -0.8,
#                          e.form = -0.4, stir.rate = "off")
#  example8b = simulateLSV(ko = 1, e.start = 0, e.end = -0.8,
#                          e.form = -0.4, stir.rate = "slow")
#  # plot the annotated linear sweep voltammograms
#  annotateLSV(example8a)
#  annotateLSV(example8b)
#  # show the applied potential and diffusion profiles
#  plotPotential(example8a)
#  plotGrid(example8a)
#  plotGrid(example8b)

## ---- eval = FALSE-------------------------------------------------------
#  # simulate the chronoamperograms; the first example is for a
#  # single pulse experiment and the second example is for a double
#  # pulse experiment
#  example9a = simulateCA(pulses = "single", t.1 = 1, t.end = 3)
#  example9b = simulateCA(pulses = "double", t.1 = 1, t.2 = 2, t.end = 3)
#  # annotate the chronoamperograms; the scale.factor is set to 10
#  # so that it is easier to see how the currents are defined
#  annotateCA(example9a, time.delay = 0.25, scale.factor = 10)
#  annotateCA(example9b, time.delay = 0.25, scale.factor = 10)
#  # show the applied potential and diffusion profiles
#  plotPotential(example9a)
#  plotPotential(example9b)
#  plotGrid(example9a)
#  plotGrid(example9b)

## ---- eval = FALSE-------------------------------------------------------
#  # simulate the chronocoulograms by wrapping simulateCC around a
#  # call to simulateCA; the first example is for a single pulse
#  # experiment and the second example is for a double pulse
#  # experiment
#  example10a = simulateCC(simulateCA(pulses = "single",
#                                    t.1 = 1, t.end = 3))
#  example10b = simulateCC(simulateCA(pulses = "double",
#                                    t.1 = 1, t.2 = 2, t.end = 3))
#  # annotate the chronoamperograms
#  annotateCC(example10a, time.delay = 0.25)
#  annotateCC(example10b, time.delay = 0.25)
#  # show the applied potential and diffusion profiles
#  plotPotential(example10a)
#  plotPotential(example10b)
#  plotGrid(example10a)
#  plotGrid(example10b)

## ---- eval = FALSE-------------------------------------------------------
#  # simulate the cyclic voltammograms for seven different scan rates
#  example_cv11a = simulateCV(scan.rate = 0.01)
#  example_cv11b = simulateCV(scan.rate = 0.05)
#  example_cv11c = simulateCV(scan.rate = 0.1)
#  example_cv11d = simulateCV(scan.rate = 0.5)
#  example_cv11e = simulateCV(scan.rate = 1)
#  example_cv11f = simulateCV(scan.rate = 5)
#  example_cv11g = simulateCV(scan.rate = 10)
#  # examine an overlay of four simulations to see affect of scan rate
#  plotCV(filenames = list(example_cv11a, example_cv11c,
#                          example_cv11e, example_cv11g),
#         legend_text = c("scan rate = 0.01 V/s", "scan rate = 0.1 V/s",
#                         "scan rate = 1 V/s", "scan rate = 10 V/s"))
#  # create vector of scan rates
#  scanrates = c(0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 0.5, 1, 5, 10)
#  # use the max function to find the peak current for each simluation
#  peakcurrents = c(max(example_cv11a$current), max(example_cv11b$current),
#                   max(example_cv11c$current), max(example_cv11d$current),
#                   max(example_cv11e$current), max(example_cv11f$current),
#                   max(example_cv11g$current))
#  # plot the peak current vs. the square root of the scan rate
#  plot(x = sqrt(scanrates), y = peakcurrents,
#       pch = 19, col = "blue",
#       xlab = "(scan rate)^0.5",
#       ylab = expression("peak current (", mu, "A)"))
#  # use the linear model function to complete a regression analysis
#  iv.lm = lm(peakcurrents ~ sqrt(scanrates))
#  # use the abline function to add the regression line to plot
#  abline(iv.lm, col = "blue", lty = 1)

## ---- eval = FALSE-------------------------------------------------------
#  # simulate cyclic voltammograms setting ko to 0.05 for all and
#  # setting alpha to 0.4, 0.5, and 0.6
#  example12a = simulateCV(ko = 0.05, alpha = 0.3)
#  example12b = simulateCV(ko = 0.05, alpha = 0.5)
#  example12c = simulateCV(ko = 0.05, alpha = 0.7)
#  # overlay the cyclic voltammograms and add a legend; note how the
#  # value of alpha affects the peak currents on the forward and the
#  # reverse scan
#  plotCV(filenames = list(example12a, example12b, example12c),
#         legend_text = c("alpha = 0.4", "alpha = 0.5", "alpha = 0.6"))
#  # examine how the
#  par(mfrow = c(3, 1))
#  plot(example12a$potential, example12a$k_f, type = "l",
#       xlab = "potential (V)", ylab = "rate constant (cm/s)",
#       main = "alpha = 0.3")
#  lines(example12a$potential, example12a$k_b, lty = 2)
#  plot(example12b$potential, example12b$k_f, type = "l",
#       xlab = "potential (V)", ylab = "rate constant (cm/s)",
#       main = "alpha = 0.5")
#  lines(example12b$potential, example12b$k_b, lty = 2)
#  plot(example12c$potential, example12c$k_f, type = "l",
#       xlab = "potential (V)", ylab = "rate constant (cm/s)",
#       main = "alpha = 0.7")
#  lines(example12c$potential, example12c$k_b, lty = 2)
#  par(mfrow = c(1,1))

## ---- eval = FALSE-------------------------------------------------------
#  # create a data.frame of potentials and currents using the
#  # read.csv function; note that the system.file command wrapped
#  # inside the call to teh read.csv function is used to determine
#  # the path to the ferrocene_data.csv file
#  example13 = read.csv(system.file("extdata", "ferrocene_data.csv",
#                                        package = "eChem"))
#  # examine the file's structure, noting that it consists of two
#  # variables, each with 1600 values, and that the potentials are
#  # in V and the currents are in A
#  str(example13)
#  head(example13)
#  # create a subsample of the full data by retaining every 20th
#  # value and adjust the current so it is reported in µA instead of
#  # in A (there is no need to adjust the units for the potential);
#  # the smaller data set will allow us to see individual points
#  # when using plotCV to examine the data
#  example13_potential = example13$potential[seq(1,1600,20)]
#  example13_current = example13$current[seq(1,1600,20)]*1e6
#  # create a reduced data file (as a list) with the structure
#  # required by plotCV and then examine the plot
#  example13_expt = list("expt" = "CV", "file_type" = "reduced",
#                        "potential" = example13_potential,
#                        "current" = example13_current)
#  plotCV(filename = list(example13_expt))
#  # use simulateCV to test a set of conditions and then overlay the
#  # simulated data and the experimental data; as first guess we use
#  # the initial potential of 0 V, the switching potential of 0.8 V,
#  # approximate the formal potential as 0.4 V, and leave all other
#  # values at their default levels
#  example13_sim = simulateCV(e.start = 0, e.switch = 0.8, e.form = 0.4)
#  # overlay the experimental data and the simulated data and
#  # evaluate the quality of the fit
#  plotCV(filename = list(example13_sim, example13_expt),
#         legend_text = c("simulated", "experimental"))
#  # continue to adjust variables until satisified with the fit
#  example13_sim = simulateCV(e.start = 0, e.switch = 0.8, e.form = 0.39,
#                             scan.rate = 0.1, conc.bulk = 0.01,
#                             ko = 0.009, alpha = 0.3)
#  plotCV(filename = list(example13_sim, example13_expt),
#         legend_text = c("simulated", "experimental"))

## ---- eval = FALSE-------------------------------------------------------
#  # create the experimental cyclic voltammogram with a small amount
#  # of noise added
#  example14_raw = simulateCV(e.start = 0, e.switch = 0.8, e.form = 0.4,
#                             conc.bulk = 0.005, area = 0.05, d = 5e-5,
#                             ko = 0.75, sd.noise = 0.5)
#  example14_expt = sampleCV(example14_raw, data.reduction = 2.5)
#  plotCV(filenames = list(example14_expt))
#  # use simulateCV to test a set of conditions and then overlay the
#  # simulated data and the experimental data; as first guess we use
#  # the initial potential of 0 V, the switching potential of 0.8 V,
#  # approximate the formal potential as 0.4 V, and leave all other
#  # values at their default levels
#  example14_sim = simulateCV(e.start = 0, e.switch = 0.8, e.form = 0.4)
#  # overlay the experimental data and the simulated data and
#  # evaluate the quality of the fit
#  plotCV(filename = list(example14_sim, example14_expt),
#         legend_text = c("simulated", "experimental"))
#  # continue to adjust variables until satisified with the fit
#  example14_sim = simulateCV(e.start = 0, e.switch = 0.8, e.form = 0.4,
#                       conc.bulk = 0.005, area = 0.05, d = 5e-5,
#                       ko = 0.75)
#  plotCV(filename = list(example14_sim, example14_expt),
#         legend_text = c("simulated", "experimental"))

## ---- eval = FALSE-------------------------------------------------------
#  # simulate the linear sweep voltammograms
#  example15a = simulateLSV(stir.rate = "off")
#  example15b = simulateLSV(stir.rate = "slow")
#  example15c = simulateLSV(stir.rate = "medium")
#  example15d = simulateLSV(stir.rate = "fast")
#  # overlay the linear sweep voltammograms
#  plotLSV(filenames = list(example15a, example15b,
#                           example15c, example15d),
#          legend_text = c("stir: off", "stir: slow",
#                          "stir: medium", "stir: fast"),
#          legend_position = "topleft",
#          main_title = "Effect of Stir Rate on Current in LSV")
dtharvey/eChem documentation built on July 9, 2019, 1:35 a.m.