library(learnr)     # the tutorial package
library(statPREP)   # some things Danny put together for StatPREP
library(tibble)     # for dealing with tibble data
library(ggformula)  # all those gf_functions live hear
library(mosaicData) # mosaic data sets
library(mosaic)     # Project MOSAIC tools 
theme_set(theme_bw())   # get rid of the gray background in the plots
# A few options for how R stuff is displayed
  echo = TRUE,                      # show R code in non-exercise chunks
  fig.align = "center",             # center plots on the page
  fig.width = 6, fig.height = 2.5   # default figure size


2nd level headers (##) introduce the titles of the topics. Be sure to leave a space after ##.

You can type any text you like. If you want to emaphsize something, you can use bold or italics.

To find out about all the markup options, see the R Markdown Cheat Sheet that RStudio provides or the Markdown.Quick Reference in the Help menu.


A Basic Exercise

To create an exercise, add exercise = TRUE to the chunk header. Make sure the chunk has a label. (Here we use example-exercise for the label.)

gf_point(height ~ mother, data = Galton)

An Auto-Evaluated Exercise

This code will be run without the user having to click on "Run Code". Note the each exercise must have a unique label.

gf_point(height ~ mother, data = Galton)

Exercise Hints

Replace goal with one of the plotting functions.

goal(height ~ mother, data = Galton)
Here are some possible choices: `gf_point()`, `gf_line()`, `gf_smooth()`, `gf_spline()`, `gf_lm()`. Remeber, you can overlay more than one layer if you use `%>%` between layers.

Next Topic

Sub-topic 1

This is sub-topic 1.

Fourth level header

More stuff can go here.

Sub-topic 2

This is sub-topic 2.

Another Fourth level header

That's all there is to this.

dtkaplan/statPREPpackage documentation built on May 15, 2019, 5:22 p.m.