Man pages for dtm2451/DittoSeq
User Friendly Single-Cell and Bulk RNA Sequencing Visualization

addDimReductionAdd any dimensionality reduction space to a...
addPrcompAdd a prcomp pca calculation to a SingleCellExperiment object...
DarkenDarkens input colors by a set amount
demux.calls.summaryPlots the number of annotations per sample, per lane
demux.SNP.summaryPlots the number of SNPs sequenced per droplet
dittoBarPlotOutputs a stacked bar plot to show the percent composition of...
dittoColorsExtracts the dittoSeq default colors
dittoDimPlotShows data overlayed on a tsne, pca, or similar type of plot
dittoDotPlotCompact plotting of per group summaries for expression of...
dittoFreqPlotPlot cell type/cluster/identity frequencies per sample and...
dittoHeatmapOutputs a heatmap of given genes
dittoHexShow RNAseq data, grouped into hexagonal bins, on a scatter...
dittoPlotPlots continuous data for customizeable cells'/samples'...
dittoPlotVarsAcrossGroupsGenerates a dittoPlot where data points are genes/metadata...
dittoScatterPlotShow RNAseq data overlayed on a scatter plot
geneReturns the expression values of a gene for all cells/samples
GeneTargetingControl of Gene/Feature targeting
getGenesReturns the names of all genes of a target object.
getMetasReturns the names of all slots of a target object.
getReductionsReturns the names of all dimensionality reduction slots of a...
importDemuxExtracts Demuxlet information into a pre-made...
importDittoBulkimport bulk sequencing data into a SingleCellExperiment...
isBulkRetrieve whether a given object would be treated as bulk...
isGeneTests if input is the name of a gene in a target object.
isMetaTests if an input is the name of a slot in a target...
LightenLightens input colors by a set amount
metaReturns the values of a for all cells/samples
metaLevelsGives the distinct values of a slot (or ident)
multi_dittoDimPlotGenerates dittoDimPlots for multiple features.
multi_dittoDimPlotVaryCellsGenerates multiple dittoDimPlots, for a single feature, where...
multi_dittoPlotGenerates dittoPlots for multiple features.
setBulkSet whether a SingleCellExperiment object should be treated...
SimulateSimulates what a colorblind person would see for any dittoSeq...
dtm2451/DittoSeq documentation built on May 4, 2024, 7:31 a.m.