My First R Package


This repo is both an intro to how to make a basic R package which is installable trough GitHub, and the actual package itself.

Steps in creating a package

First install devtools with

> install.packages("devtools")

on your machine.

Secondly use devtools function create to create a new package directory. You have to specify a package name which only consists of ASCII characters, numbers and dots. A folder will be created in the name of the package in you current working directory.

> library(devtools)
> setwd("path/to/parent/folder")
> devtools::create("my.first.r.package")

The create function creates the following files and folders:

How to install from a (private) GitHub repo

To install the R package my.first.r.package from a GitHub repo, you need devtools installed. To install simply run,

> devtools::install_github("duffau/my_first_r_package")

and load the package like you would normally with library and call the Fibonacci function, for example:

> library(my.first.r.package)
> fib(7)
[1] 13

From a private repo

If the GitHub repo is private GitHub needs to know you have legitimate access to the private repo. The easiest way to authenticate yourself when installing packages with devtools is by using a Personal Access Token (PAT). See the the GitHub help page for instructions on how to generate a PAT. When generating the PAT you need to choose a scope of the PAT, that is a set permissions given to the holder of the PAT. GitHub does unfortunately not offer a distinction between read and write permissions at the time of writing, so you need to choose the repo scope which grants you both read and write access. Preferably it would be better to only have read access through a package installation PAT. Keep track of this issue, to see if GitHub expands it scoping rules.

The PAT is a string representation of some hexadecimal number,


To install the my.first.r.package assuming it a private repo you have access to, you could in principle use write in a R-console,

> devtools::install_github("duffau/my_first_r_package", auth_token="57c3a26ec451c190309c9197f1a3fa161d2f1cb4")

If you for example have an install statement like the one above in a script, DO NOT PUT YOUR PAT here. Never put credentials in a script, since there is a chance that you will share this script, either via source control like Git or by some other means, and you will end up sharing your secret token as well.

It's a much better approach to put your PAT in a R environment variable. This way you won't accidentally push it to a Git repo or share it with someone. The function devtools:install_github assumes the PAT is stored in the R environment variable GITHUB_PAT if it's not specified by the argument auth_token. To set the environment variable first locate your R home folder. This command gives you the path of your home folder:


In the R home folder make a file named .Renviron (if it already exists just open it and add the following line). Add the line:


to the file and save. Restart you R session, which causes R to reload the environment variables. Now you should be able to install the package from a private repo with the command,

> devtools::install_github("duffau/my_first_r_package")

duffau/my_first_r_package documentation built on May 10, 2019, 8:25 a.m.