Man pages for duncanplee/CARBayes
Spatial Generalised Linear Mixed Models for Areal Unit Data

CARBayes-packageSpatial Generalised Linear Mixed Models for Areal Unit Data
coef.CARBayesExtract the regression coefficients from a model. a data frame with a shapefile to create a...
fitted.CARBayesExtract the fitted values from a model.
highlight.bordersCreates a SpatialPoints object identifying a subset of...
logLik.CARBayesExtract the estimated loglikelihood from a fitted model.
model.matrix.CARBayesExtract the model (design) matrix from a model.
MVS.CARlerouxFit a multivariate spatial generalised linear mixed model to...
print.CARBayesPrint a summary of a fitted CARBayes model to the screen.
residuals.CARBayesExtract the residuals from a model.
S.CARbymFit a spatial generalised linear mixed model to data, where...
S.CARdissimilarityFit a spatial generalised linear mixed model to data, where...
S.CARlerouxFit a spatial generalised linear mixed model to data, where...
S.CARlocalisedFit a spatial generalised linear mixed model to data, where a...
S.CARmultilevelFit a spatial generalised linear mixed model to multi-level...
S.glmFit a generalised linear model to data.
summarise.lincombCompute the posterior distribution for a linear combination...
summarise.samplesSummarise a matrix of Markov chain Monte Carlo samples.
duncanplee/CARBayes documentation built on Oct. 3, 2021, 4:10 p.m.