Man pages for duncanplee/CARBayesST
Spatio-Temporal Generalised Linear Mixed Models for Areal Unit Data

CARBayesST-packageSpatio-Temporal Generalised Linear Mixed Models For Areal...
coef.CARBayesSTExtract the regression coefficients from a model.
fitted.CARBayesSTExtract the fitted values from a model.
logLik.CARBayesSTExtract the estimated loglikelihood from a fitted model.
model.matrix.CARBayesSTExtract the model (design) matrix from a model.
MVST.CARarFit a multivariate spatio-temporal generalised linear mixed...
print.CARBayesSTPrint a summary of the fitted model to the screen.
residuals.CARBayesSTExtract the residuals from a model.
ST.CARadaptiveFit a spatio-temporal generalised linear mixed model to data,...
ST.CARanovaFit a spatio-temporal generalised linear mixed model to data,...
ST.CARarFit a spatio-temporal generalised linear mixed model to data,...
ST.CARclustrendsFit a spatio-temporal generalised linear mixed model to data,...
ST.CARlinearFit a spatio-temporal generalised linear mixed model to data,...
ST.CARlocalisedFit a spatio-temporal generalised linear mixed model to data,...
ST.CARsepspatialFit a spatio-temporal generalised linear mixed model to data,...
W.estimateEstimate an appropriate neighbourhood matrix for a set of...
duncanplee/CARBayesST documentation built on May 29, 2021, 7:35 a.m.