
This is R-level code to query and analyze C and C++ code. It uses both the Rllvm and RCIndex packages to access aspects of the native code. This is in some ways analogous to the CodeAnalysis, codetools, and other packages for analyzing R code, but for native code.

It provides R-level functions rather than C/C++-level implementations such as with the excellent rchk tool that finds, e.g., PROTECT/UNPROTECT errors in C/C++ code. The reason for this choice is that writing R code is more time-efficient and makes the code more accessible and extensible to others.

The package provides protoypes for + identifying the R type of the return from a .Call() or .External() call, including the types (and names) of the elements of a returned list (getRReturnTypes()); + inferring the types of the parameters of a .Call() or .External() routine based on how each parameter is + coerced (e.g. Rf_asReal()) or + accessed (e.g. INTEGER(x)[0] or VECTOR_ELT(x, 0)), or + used, e.g., SET_NAMES(ans, x); + determining the length/dimension of an R object based on the code that constructs it or how it is used in the routine (inferLength() and inferParamTypes()); + finding the class of the return value (getReturnClass()).

We can also borrow information from the R code that calls a routine to see how it coerces the arguments to different types and what length/dimension information is available from that R code that we can utilize and/or validate when analyzing the C code.



duncantl/NativeCodeAnalysis documentation built on Nov. 20, 2023, 5:44 a.m.