update: Update the contents to a zip/xlsx/ file.

updateR Documentation

Update the contents to a zip/xlsx/ file.


This function allows the caller to update the contents of a Zip archive, adding or overwriting existing entries within an archive, leaving others umodified.

It is often more convenient to use the [<- operator to add/update elements of an archive, e.g. archive[ c("a", "b") ] = list(I("Some text"), "myFile")

update currently works for zip files only, but it can be made generic and methods can be easily added for different types of archives (e.g. tar files) assuming the underlying functionality to add the files is available.

This function now (as of version 0.91-0 of this package) uses in-memory rather than temporary files and the external zip executable.


update(object, ...)



the Excel xlsx file which is a ZipArchive object.


a collection of named values which give the contents to be added with those names.


Duncan Temple Lang


The zip command-line utility.

See Also

excelDoc, zipArchive

duncantl/RExcelXML documentation built on Nov. 23, 2023, 4:21 p.m.