
Notes for Migration to infer_dm()

Notes from Duncan that might still be relevant: ```r

constrain.R ----------------------------------------

FIXME: Nested calls might be a problem here. Need to generate a temporary

value for each call.

FIXME: Infer return type immediately if types are known for all arguments.


XXX This is temporarily here. We'll add customization handlers for this.

constraint_set.R ----------------------------------------

avoiding adding duplicate constraints. This messes solve() up. We may want to

fix that

but probably good to avoid redundant constraints.

XXX not using identical as one might have a known value and the other unknown.

(see assignSEXP2.R in R2llvm/tests)

If this constraint has more information (e.g. a value), we may want to

replace the existing "identical" one with this.

constraint_handlers.R ----------------------------------------

Need to match the argument by name for other functions, eg. runif(n, 1, 2)

but runif(1, 2, n = n1)

solve.R ----------------------------------------

Try inference if no handler is available.

XXXX !!!

fun = get(call@func, globalenv()) # XXX from anywhere!

infer_types.R ----------------------------------------

#XXX This should be in the initialization method for set. if(length(names(init)) == 0) names(init) = names(code$params)[seq(along = init)]

mapply(function(type, name) set$append(name, type), # Need to convert the types from # user-convenient types to those we expect (in typesys?) ```

For infer_types.function(),, infer_types.{():

The default method may handle the following. If so, remove these.

However the should probably grab the values of the arguments.


This is probably not useful for calls such as x + 1 where we don't know x

but we a) we can get the current type of x from the workspace, and

b) calls such as foo(2) do make sense - we can get the return type.

duncantl/RTypeInference documentation built on Jan. 16, 2021, 12:30 a.m.