


The code for handling math and logic operators is very similar to the code for handling other known functions. It makes sense to use a unified inference strategy for all calls except special cases like return() and .typeInfo(). However, in order to reuse "similar" handler functions for several different callers, handler functions need to accept the call name as an argument. What's the best way to add this feature to ConditionalType without disrupting its use for if statements?

ConditionalType is for situations where the CFG branches and a variable has a different type on each branch; it's essentially a phi function for types.

One strategy for compiling a ConditionalType is to generate multiple copies of a function, one for each type flow. A drawback of this approach is that the correct type flow has to be determined at call time, which is inefficient for conditions that depend on intermediate computations rather than the function arguments.

Another strategy is to compile every block, and perform branching at runtime. This avoids issues with intermediate computations.


Later on, we could infer types of variables based on how they're used as function arguments. This might make annotation unnecessary in some cases.


Inferring the return type of a function is a small challenge. Functions can return at any point, and it's not enough to just build a list of possible return types--we also need the conditions that lead to those return types. A function with multiple branches should return a ConditionalType. This seems at odds with our AST-walking algorithm, unless we add more state into the TypeCollector object to inform calls higher up the tree that a return was detected.

In other words, we need to handle returns in inferTypes.if(), even though they'll be detected farther down in We could set up a queue of returns in the TypeCollector. However, how do we handle nested if statements?


Upcasting is used for inference in several different places, including operators and known functions. Perhaps the upcast() function in utilities.R can be generalized for reuse.

The primary motivation for using mixins or multiple inheritance in the type system is to easily attach information to a type. For instance, to mark a numeric type as a vector, we'd mix in a vector type.

New idea: make all of the semantic types (where it makes sense) a composition of "base" types: character, numeric, integer, etc. Then we can use a getBaseType() method to reduce any semantic types to a base type, which makes upcasting a lot easier. Similarly, a setBaseType() method could be used to change the base type of a semantic type. The constructors for semantic types could take a base type as an argument, so it's equally easy to go from base type to semantic type (for instance, to promote a scalar to a vector). With this approach, we can still use is() to check whether a type is a vector or not. Further thought is needed to address the case where a variable has multiple semantic types--for instance, a vector-valued iterator. These cases do seem to be uncommon, though.

For a function, inferTypes() should return the type of the returned value. This way, the caller can do whatever they need to with it. It's possible that this will make the slot for return type on TypeCollector unnecessary, but it might be good to keep anyways, for convenience.

We also need to support type annotations, possibly using a .Type() or similar at the beginning of a function. This should match the existing infrastructure in the compiler as closely as possible. The annotation function should be a no-op, or at least minimize interference with standard interpretation. Letting the user annotate types through an argument to inferTypes() could also be useful, but seems like a lower priority since it violates locality.

Once the features above are implemented, we should test them on case studies. These can be integrated into the test suite, as long as they don't take too long to test.


ConditionalType is just a phi() in disguise. Maybe it would make more sense (especially with SSA) to treat it as such.

What's the correct behavior for assignment to a call? For instance:

names(x) = c("a", "b", "c")

For now we can just ignore inference in this situation, but this could be useful for picking up type information, e.g., with dim<-. Alternatively, these could be something that gets rewritten out, although that might be difficult if there are many assignment functions.


The ultimate goal is to infer types for functions, since that's what's passed to RLLVMCompile.

If we consider something like

a <- 5

then we can infer that a has type double. Is that useful, though? Every line has to be translated to LLVM IR, so yes. We need type information for:

What's the best way to store the type information? There will potentially be other metadata we want to store (e.g., dimensions).

Type System

Can we infer R types and then have the compiler figure out how to translate them to C?

Should the S4 classes be grouped by atomic type or by scalar/vector?

if Statements


if (x > 4)
    c("hello", "goodbye")

Should this collapse to CharacterVectorType?

Probably not; there's no clear reason for that to happen yet. And how would we set the length parameter?

for Loops

What's the correct inference for a simple for loop

for (i in 1:10) i

We should tag the i as an index variable. The body of the loop should be tagged normally.

What if the index is not even a number? We need to track the "real" type of the index along with its status as an index. This seems like more evidence in favor of using mixins to indicate type.

For now, we could do this using a slot on the IndexType.

Calls (that are not type-stable)

How can we infer the type of a function like rnorm, where this depends on the value of input arguments?

We can use formals to inspect a function definition, and standardise_call from pryr to get the arguments in a named list.

We need a data structure for specifying known types. This requires

Another fun function for this is c().

One strategy is to define a ConditionalType. This type tracks conditions and their corresponding types. It could include a method for evaluating the type when more information is available. We could use a list or a simple S4 class for storing each condition and its corresponding type.

ConditionalType also makes sense for if statements.

What's the best way to check the conditions and compute the type? Chief concerns:

What if we stored conditional types as handler functions? Then "calling" the conditional type would evaluate the conditions. This cuts down on the non-standard evaluation needed, and makes specifying arguments by position trivial. However, generating this kind of conditional type is trickier: we'd need to generate the handler function. So handling the conditions dynamically becomes slightly harder, but this could be hidden by a set of helper methods for adding and querying the conditions.

Storing conditional types as handler functions could make it harder for the compiler to inspect the types on each branch. Types may be stored as a literal value or as a call to construct the type (and this is not any different from when not using handler functions). A call to construct a type really just represents partial information: we know the type class but not its parameters. Is there a better way to handle this information?

duncantl/RTypeInference documentation built on Jan. 16, 2021, 12:30 a.m.