
Multiple Functions

The current version of the package doesn't move between functions automatically, so functions which call other functions in the same source file are effectively unsupported. This is an essential feature since idiomatic R code breaks tasks into short, composable functions.

Search Path

The first issue is where the package should look for names.

For interactive use, it's convenient to search for names in the global environment.

On the other hand, scripts have their own global environment when evaluated. If inference is run on a script from an interactive session, searching in the global environment might be unexpected behavior. However, it would be useful for on-the-fly modifications to scripts to test how inference responds.

Also note that inference may need to work across several scripts, so the scripts will need to be loaded into a shared environment.

An alternative to the above is to load scripts with parse(). Scripts may contain code that runs at eval, which probably shouldn't run during type inference. Using parse() avoids evaluation during inference. However, this also means the inference package is responsible for tracking down every name that's loaded by the script, e.g., using source().

Types Data Structure

The second issue is what data structure the package should use for keeping track of types for multiple scopes. Scopes have a tree-like hierarchy and this must be maintained in order to handle closures correctly.

The simple solution is to use a named list of lists and TypeCollector objects.

Type Handler API

Occasionally the user will want to define their own rules for how a function should be typed. A custom handler function can be provided for each function where the default inference rules should be overridden. The handler function must fulfill a contract with the type inference package in order to work correctly.

The current version's function table only holds types, so handler functions are wrapped in ConditionalType objects.


The rules used for inference are written in R. Some rules, such as those for mathematical operators, are built in and applied as part of the AST-walk. However, most rules are stored as separate hand-written R functions that return a named list of types.

  "abs" = ConditionalType(
    # complex|numeric -> numeric
    # integer -> integer
    function(args) {
      # Here x should be an vector, not a list.
      atom = element_type(args$x)

      atom =
        if (is(atom, "ComplexType") || is(atom, "RealType"))
        else if (is(atom, "IntegerType"))

      element_type(args$x) = atom
      # FIXME:
      value(args$x) = UnknownValue()

This makes it difficult to make inferences based on combinations of rules, because there is no procedure for combining rules that cannot already be resolved to a type. On the other hand, this allows allows arbitrarily complex rules to be encoded (resolving some rules could take as long as running the input program).

There are several ways to address this. First, we could define a grammar for rules and build a simple parser. This leads to a formal system for resolving rules and might allow us to prove that our system is sound. However, it's not as flexible as the current system. Another advantage of this approach is that it might make automatic generation of rules comparatively easy.

Second, we could use a system of attributes/tags on functions of interest to generate rules implicitly.

Third, we could preserve the current system.

Lists & Data Frames

At present RTI can't infer any information about data frames.

df_fun = function() {

tc = TypeCollector()
inferTypes(df_fun, tc)

The real issue here is that RTI doesn't even try to detect data frames. So the first step towards a fix is to actually recognize data frames. This could be based on data.frame and also how $ is used.

duncantl/RTypeInference documentation built on Jan. 16, 2021, 12:30 a.m.