post: Functions for posting, modifying and deleting blog content

modifyBlogR Documentation

Functions for posting, modifying and deleting blog content


These functions are for changing the content of a blog. We can create a new page, a new post on a page, add a new category, delete a category.


newCategory(category, description = "???", slug = category, parent = 0L,
             blogid = 0, login = getOption("WordpressLogin", stop("need a login and password")),
              .server = getServerURL())
publishPost(postid, login = getOption("WordpressLogin", stop("need a login and password")),
             ...,  .server = getServerURL())
uploadFile(what, type = guessMIMEType(what), blogid = 0L,
            login = getOption("WordpressLogin", stop("need a login and password")),
             remoteName = basename(what), overwrite = TRUE, ..., .server = getServerURL()  )
newPage(content, publish = TRUE, blogid = 0,
            login = getOption("WordpressLogin", stop("need a login and password")), method = "wp.newPage", .server = getServerURL())
newPost(content, publish = TRUE, blogid = 0,
          login = getOption("WordpressLogin", stop("need a login and password")), .server = getServerURL())
deleteCategory(categoryid, blogid = 0L, login = getOption("WordpressLogin", stop("need a login and password")), ..., .server = getServerURL()  )
deletePage(pageid, blogid = 0L, login = getOption("WordpressLogin", stop("need a login and password")), ..., .server = getServerURL()  )
deletePost(postid, login = getOption("WordpressLogin", stop("need a login and password")),
            publish = TRUE, appId = "RWordPress", ..., .server = getServerURL() )



the name of the new category to create


the identifier for the category of interest.


the content of the blog post


the desired name (i.e. URL) of the resource on the server when we create it. This can be omitted and the default is typically fine.


the parent of the


the login and password given as c(login = "password")


the identifier for the post. See getRecentPostTitles for the identifiers.


additional arguments passed on to xml.rpc.


the file to upload. This is typically a file name, but can also be an R object given as an object of class AsIs and that is serialized. If it is text, this is the content of the file, not the file name. If this is a raw vector (with or without the AsIs class), this is also taken as the content.


the MIME type of the file being uploaded.


the identifier for the blog. Often this can be left as 0 to identify the default blog identified by the specified login and password.


the name to use for the file on the blog server. This allows us to use a different name than the one on the local system and to specify a name for anonymous object.


whether to




a logical value that controls whether the changes are immediately published.


the identifier for the page on the blog


the name of our program making the request


the name of the actual XMLRPC method to invoke. This allows one function to be parameterized to implement multiple methods that are very similar.


a string giving the URL of the Wordpress server. This can be specified by the caller directly or can be set as a global option in R named WordpressURL, e.g. options(WordpressURL = "").


## Not run: 
 uploadFile("~/bob.png", "image/png")

## End(Not run)

duncantl/RWordPress documentation built on Nov. 23, 2023, 4:23 p.m.