wordDynDoc: Process contents of a dynamic Word '07 document, evaluating R...

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wordDynDocR Documentation

Process contents of a dynamic Word '07 document, evaluating R code


This function provides the dynamic processing facilities for a Word document. It reads the text of a Word '07 document and evaluates the R code segments identified by various styles within the document. It inserts the converted output from the expressions into the document. It uses any existing formats following the R code elements and attempts to insert the R object resulting from the code into that format. This means that the author can customize the appearance of the results using regular Word facilities, e.g. creating a table to hold the result and interactively changing the column widths, the background, or inserting a template image which is replaced by an R graphic, allowing the user to specify the size of the graphic and any other formatting (e.g. alignment).

This function processes a .docx file which is a Zip archive. It uses the Rcompression to read that file and currently requires the zip executable/command to be available to insert elements into the new archive.

This function does not require Microsoft Office or Word to be installed. It does not utilize Word to create the new document. It parses the XML documents within the Zip archive and updates that XML document and the contents of the Zip file. The result can be displayed in Word 2007 on any machine that supports it.

More work can be done to make the insertion of R objects into existing Word elements more flexible. For example, if a matrix is to be inserted into a table with too few columns, the table should be extended, using the R recycling rule.


wordDynDoc(doc, out = paste(dir, "foo.docx", sep = .Platform$file.sep),
            dir = ".", env = new.env(), verbose = TRUE,
           removeCode = FALSE, nodeOp = processWordNode,
           force = FALSE, removeEmptyOutputNodes = TRUE,
           session.info = TRUE,
           styles = system.file("WordStyles", "RStyles.dotm", package = "RWordXML"), 
           grDevice = c(pdf = pdf, png = pn),
           targetOS = c("windows", "mac"),
           options = list(width = width, ...),
           plotExtensions = c("pdf", "png"),
           width = 70



the file name of the Word document (a docx file).


the name of the new file to be created by processing the contents of doc.


directory in which to write the resulting file. Note that graphics files are written to a temporary directory and are inserted into the Word archive, so are essentially anonymous and are not retained as explicit files after the new document is created.


an environment in which the R expressions are evaluated. This provides the caller with the opportunity of customizing the evaluation, e.g. initializing variables that are referenced in the code within the document.


a logical value that controls whether information is displayed on the console as each code segment is processed. This information includes the creation of graphics devices.


a logical value that controls whether the document is processed even if the output file is already more recent than the input file.


a logical value that controls whether the R code content (XML nodes) within the source document are removed from the output (TRUE) or left in (FALSE).


the function which is called to process each R code node within the Word document. This is called with the XML node, the R expression, the index/number of the expression being processed, the target document as a WordArchive object, a character vector giving the names of all the Word styles identifying R output nodes, the output directory, the environment in which to evaluate the R expressions, and a logical value indicating whether to emit information as the evaluation progresses.


a logical value controlling whether we remove empty code nodes that might have been left by the author.


a logical value indicating whether information about the R session should be inserted at the end of the output document.


a character string indicating a Word '07 document (generally a macro-enabled template, or .dotm, file) which contains any additional styles which may be desired for the output document, but which are not included in the input document because they were not used. The RWordXML package ships with a file called Rstyles.dotm which is the default for this argument. This should only be changed if user-created styles are to be used.


a list of global R options that are set when for the duration of the processing of the code in the Word document.


the value to set the R global width option controlling the output on the screen.


a list of functions or a character string containing the name of the functions used to create the desired graphics device. If given as a list, the list should have names that identify the type of plot the function will create, and these will be used as extensions for the generated file names. If the list does not have names, one can specify these extenion names and plot types via the plotExtensions parameter.


names of the types of plots created by the graphics devices in grDevice. These are used as extensions for file names of the plots generated during the processing of graphics code. This argument is only used if grDevice is a list of functions with no names.


(not necessarily used now) a character vector indicating which operating system(s) the resulting document is intended to be viewed on. This information is then used to choose the graphics device that will be used to generate image files. Valid entries are "windows" and "mac". This argument will be ignored if the graphics device is specified directly using the grDevice argument.


any "loose" name = value pairs that are to be set as part of a call to options that will persist for the duration of processing the code in the document. Code within the document can change these options. Also the original options from before the call are reset. So these are temporary options. One can also specify these values as part of a list via the options parameter.


There are two ways to dictate the format/appearance of output inserted into the output document.

Options regarding how the output from individual blocks of code is inserted into the document can be specified by attaching comments to the code from within Word '07. See CommentOptions.docx.


An object of class WordArchive identifying the newly created file.


Duncan Temple Lang


Microsoft Office 2007

See Also

An alternative format and approach is provided by dynDoc in the XDynDocs package.


 f = system.file("SampleDocs", "WordEg.docx", package = "RWordXML")
 wordDynDoc(f, "bar.docx", force = TRUE)

duncantl/RWordXML documentation built on Nov. 23, 2023, 4:23 p.m.