electionHistory: State by State Election Results Through History

Description Usage Format Details Note Note Source


A list containing the results of each presidential election between 1900 and 2008.




This is a list. Each element is a named character vector with the state by state data on the party of the presidential candidate who received the greatest popular vote.


This list contains the results for each oh the 28 Presidential elections between 1900 and 2008.

Each list element contains a named character vector in which the names correspond to states (lower case) and the values correspond to the party color of the winning candidate, i.e. "#FF0000" (red) for Republican, "#0000FF" (blue) for Democrat, and "#00FF00" (green) for other.


This is one of the objects found in ElectionHistory.rda. See the see also section for related objects.


Not all list elements are the same length because the United States did not contain all 50 current states until 1959.


Scraped from http://uselectionatlas.org/RESULTS/

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