makeFunctions: Generate R functions to interface to WADL methods

View source: R/wadl.R

makeFunctionsR Documentation

Generate R functions to interface to WADL methods


The makeFunctions function takes methods described in a WADL and generates the R code to define R functions that can be used to invoke these REST methods.


makeFunctions(wadl, methods = wadlMethods(wadl), eval = FALSE,
              rewriteURL = function(x) x,
              makeFun = makeFunction, ...)



the WADL defining the the methods and resources. This can be the name of a file/URL, a parsed XML document or an object of class WADL-class.


the methods that are to be converted to R functions


a logical or environment controlling whether the R functions that are constructed as text are to be defined as regular R functions. If this is a logical and FALSE, the code for the functions is returned. If this is TRUE, we define the functions in the global environment. If this is an environment, we define the functions in that environment.


a function that takes a vector of URLs and rewrites them if necessary. This can be specified as a character vector of length 2 and this is interpreted as being the first 2 arguments to gsub and so are regular expressions. This allows for a simple way to rewrite the URLs.


a function that is called to create the code for each REST method. This allows the caller to customize the code creation process.


additional arguments that are passed on to makeFun, e.g. OptionsCharacterThreshold for makeFunction which controls what the cut-off point is for the size (in bytes) of an options vector before we take it out of the function and make it into a separate variable.


gw = wadl(system.file("sampleWADLs", "GenesByMolecularWeight.wadl", package = "WADL"))
invisible(makeFunctions(gw, eval = TRUE,
                        rewriteURL = function(x)
                                        gsub("(/webservice/)", "/eupathdb/webservices/", x)))

tmp = GenesByMolecularWeight.json("Cryptosporidium parvum,Leishmania major,Toxoplasma gondii",
                                  `o-fields` = "gene_type,organism")

 if(require(RJSONIO)) {
      # convert the answer
   val = fromJSON(I(tmp))

 tmp = GenesByMolecularWeight.xml("Cryptosporidium parvum,Leishmania major,Toxoplasma gondii",
   val = xmlParse(tmp, asText = TRUE)

  makeFunctions(gw, eval = TRUE, rewriteURL = c("(/webservice/)", "/eupathdb/webservices/"))

duncantl/WADL documentation built on Nov. 23, 2023, 4:28 p.m.