Man pages for dustinfife/flexplot
Graphically Based Data Analysis Using 'flexplot'

added.plotCreate an added variable plot
alcuseAlcohol use among youth
anchor.predictionsGenerate Predictions for a Model
authorsSales of books on Amazon
avengersSimulated Statistics on the Final Avengers Battle
bf.bicCompute Bayes Factor from BICs
bidirectionUtilities for working with bidirecitonal layers
birthweightDataset seeks to examine what can affect birthweight.
blood_pressureDataset examines what affects blood pressure.
cholesterolDataset examines what affects cholesterol.
compare.fitsCompare the fits of two models
criminal_dataCriminal dataset
dietDiet dataset
drug_useDrug use and SES
estimatesReport Estimates (effect sizes and parameters)
estimates.defaultOutput APA style statistical significance from an object
estimates.glmReport glm object Estimates (effect sizes and parameters)
estimates.glmerModReport glmerMod object Estimates (effect sizes and...
estimates.lmReport lm object Estimates (effect sizes and parameters)
estimates.lmerModReport lmerMod object Estimates (effect sizes and parameters)
estimates.RandomForestReport RandomForest object Estimates (effect sizes and...
estimates.zeroinflReport zeroinfl object Estimates (effect sizes and...
exercise_dataExercise dataset
flexplotCreate a "flexible plot" or flexplot
flexplot_jasp2Flexplot in JASP
floor_ceilingReplace minimum value with a specified floor
geom_jitterdJittered density points
glinmodPerform a general linear model
glinmod_jaspGeneral Linear Model in JASP
glmbasicGeneral Linear Model
graduate_incomeGraduate income
iccCompute the ICC from a lmer (package lme4) model
ideationSimulated Dataset About Suicide Ideation
incomeSimulated Dataset About People's Income
job_dataJob performance dataset
linmod_jaspGeneral Linear Model in JASP
make.formulaConvert strings to a formula
marginal_plotCreate "margin plots"
mathMath Achievement Dataset
mediate_plotCreate a plot for mediation analysis
mixedmod_jaspGeneral Linear Model in JASP
mixed.mod.visualDisplay a graphic of a mixed model
model.comparisonPerform a model comparison
modify_pointsModify the points in a flexplot (or ggplot) graphic
nsduhNSDUH Dataset
paranormalSimulated Dataset About Experiences with the Paranormal
partial_residual_plotPartial Residual Plot
photo_lessonsAn actual dataset of photography students
plant_growthPlant Growth
position_jitterdJitter points based on density to avoid overplotting
position_jitterdodgedSimultaneously dodge and jitter
print.estimatesPrint estimates Summary
print.glmer_estimatesPrint glmer_estimates Summary
print.lmer_estimatesPrint lmer_estimates Summary
print.rf_estimatesPrint rf_estimates Summary
relationship_satisfactionRelationship satisfaction dataset
rescaleTransform a variable to have a particular mean and standard...
rsq_changeCompare the improvement in R squared from a baseline model
secret_agentSecret agent dataset
sensitivity.tableCompute sensitivity/specificity/etc.
smallSmall test dataset
standardized.betaCompute standardized betas on a linear model object
subsetStringExtract only part of a string
tablesaw.injuryTablesaw injuries
third.eyeVisualize flexplot with the "third eye"
univariate_listProduce a bunch of univariate plots
visualizeVisualize a fitted model
visualize.defaultVisualize a fitted model
visualize.glmerModVisualize a fitted glmerMod model
visualize.lmVisualize a fitted model
visualize.lmerModVisualize a fitted lmerMod model
visualize.randomForestVisualize a fitted RandomForest model
dustinfife/flexplot documentation built on Sept. 23, 2024, 9:01 p.m.