bidirection: Utilities for working with bidirecitonal layers

bidirectionR Documentation

Utilities for working with bidirecitonal layers


These functions are what underpins the ability of certain geoms to work automatically in both directions. See the *Extending ggplot2* for how they are used when implementing 'Geom', 'Stat', and 'Position' classes.


  params = list(),
  main_is_orthogonal = NA,
  range_is_orthogonal = NA,
  group_has_equal = FALSE,
  ambiguous = FALSE,
  main_is_continuous = FALSE

flip_data(data, flip = NULL)



The layer data


The parameters of the 'Stat'/'Geom'. Only the 'orientation' parameter will be used.


If only 'x' or 'y' are present do they correspond to the main orientation or the reverse. E.g. If 'TRUE' and 'y' is present it is not flipped. If 'NA' this check will be ignored.


If 'xmin'/'xmax' or 'ymin'/'ymax' is present do they correspond to the main orientation or reverse. If 'NA' this check will be ignored.


Is it expected that grouped data has either a single 'x' or 'y' value that will correspond to the orientation.


Is the layer ambiguous in its mapping by nature. If so, it will only be flipped if 'params$orientation == "y"'


If there is a discrete and continuous axis, does the continuous one correspond to the main orientation?


Logical. Is the layer flipped.


'has_flipped_aes()' is used to sniff out the orientation of the layer from the data. It has a range of arguments that can be used to finetune the sniffing based on what the data should look like. 'flip_data()' will switch the column names of the data so that it looks like x-oriented data. 'flipped_names()' provides a named list of aesthetic names that corresponds to the orientation of the layer.


'has_flipped_aes()' returns 'TRUE' if it detects a layer in the other orientation and 'FALSE' otherwise. 'flip_data()' will return the input unchanged if 'flip = FALSE' and the data with flipped aesthetic names if 'flip = TRUE'. 'flipped_names()' returns a named list of strings. If 'flip = FALSE' the name of the element will correspond to the element, e.g. 'flipped_names(FALSE)$x == "x"' and if 'flip = TRUE' it will correspond to the flipped name, e.g. 'flipped_names(FALSE)$x == "y"'

a boolean

Controlling the sniffing

How the layer data should be interpreted depends on its specific features. 'has_flipped_aes()' contains a range of flags for defining what certain features in the data correspond to:

- 'main_is_orthogonal': This argument controls how the existence of only a 'x' or 'y' aesthetic is understood. If 'TRUE' then the exisiting aesthetic would be then secondary axis. This behaviour is present in [stat_ydensity()] and [stat_boxplot()]. If 'FALSE' then the exisiting aesthetic is the main axis as seen in e.g. [stat_bin()], [geom_count()], and [stat_density()]. - 'range_is_orthogonal': This argument controls whether the existance of range-like aesthetics (e.g. 'xmin' and 'xmax') represents the main or secondary axis. If 'TRUE' then the range is given for the secondary axis as seen in e.g. [geom_ribbon()] and [geom_linerange()]. 'FALSE' is less prevalent but can be seen in [geom_bar()] where it may encode the span of each bar. - 'group_has_equal': This argument controls whether to test for equality of all 'x' and 'y' values inside each group and set the main axis to the one where all is equal. This test is only performed if 'TRUE', and only after less computationally heavy tests has come up empty handed. Examples are [stat_boxplot()] and [stat_ydensity] - 'ambiguous': This argument tells the function that the layer, while bidirectional, doesn't treat each axis differently. It will circumvent any data based guessing and only take hint from the 'orientation' element in 'params'. If this is not present it will fall back to 'FALSE'. Examples are [geom_line()] and [geom_area()] - 'main_is_continuous': This argument controls how the test for discreteness in the scales should be interpreted. If 'TRUE' then the main axis will be the one which is not discrete-like. Conversely, if 'FALSE' the main axis will be the discrete-like one. Examples of 'TRUE' is [stat_density()] and [stat_bin()], while examples of 'FALSE' is [stat_ydensity()] and [stat_boxplot()]

dustinfife/flexplot documentation built on Sept. 23, 2024, 9:01 p.m.