Man pages for dynverse/dynplot
Visualising Single-Cell Trajectories

add_cell_coloringAdd colouring to a set of cells.
add_density_coloringColor cells using a background density
add_milestone_coloringAdd colouring to a set of milestones.
dynplotdynplot: Plotting Single-Cell Trajectories
empty_plotCreate an empty plot for spacing
example_bifurcatingAn example bifurcating dataset
example_disconnectedAn example disconnected dataset
example_linearAn example linear dataset
example_treeAn example tree dataset
get_milestone_palette_namesGet the names of valid color palettes
linearise_cellsPrepare a trajectory for linearised visualisation.
plot_dendroPlot a trajectory as a dendrogram
plot_dimredPlot a trajectory in a (given) dimensionality reduction
plot_graphPlot a trajectory as a graph
plot_heatmapPlot expression data along a trajectory
plot_linearised_comparisonCompare two trajectories as a pseudotime scatterplot
plot_onedimPlot a trajectory as a one-dimensional set of connected...
plot_stripPlot strip
plot_topologyPlot the topology of a trajectory
project_waypoints_colouredProject the waypoints
theme_cleanWe like our plots clean
theme_graphWe like our plots clean
dynverse/dynplot documentation built on Dec. 12, 2021, 9:39 p.m.