
Here's an R package for using the API to guess the gender of a name. There's already a really good genderizeR package out there (and on CRAN), but it was missing enough of the features I wanted that it made more sense to write my own code than fork that project.

To use it, call guessGender with a character vector of (first) names. You can optionally pass (one of) a language code or country code to fine-tine results. If you've paid for an API key through, you can pass that too.


Use the devtools package to install GenderGuesser


Calling guessGender with one or more names returns a data.frame.

guessGender(c("Liam", "Natalie", "Eamon"))
#>     name gender country_id language_id probability count
#>1    Liam   male         NA          NA        0.99   623
#>2 Natalie female         NA          NA        1.00  2033
#>3   Eamon   male         NA          NA        1.00    63

"Eamon" is an uncommon name, but only boys seem to have it so far.

Limits limits each IP address to 100 (free) queries per day, and each query can contain up to ten names. guessGender does the work of splitting a vector of arbitrary length into ten-name queries and combines the results. However, only one country or language code can be passed to the function, so querying, e.g., a single name in multiple countries must be done using multiple calls to guessGender.

eamoncaddigan/GenderGuesser documentation built on May 15, 2019, 7:26 p.m.