Man pages for earlycapistran/consLettersUtils
Conservation Letters Utilities

analyseMiraResiProvides separate residual analyses for each complete-data...
analyseNlsResidualsThis function evaluates residuals from 'nls' model objects....
as.lmConverts nls class objects to lm class
getDescStatsCalculates descriptive statistics (mean, median, standard...
getExpStartValGet starting values for an exponential model
getGrowthRateCalculate annual growth rate
getMeanImpThis function takes a multiply imputed dataset ('mids'...
getMiceR2Returns a R^2 value for nonlinear least squares (nls)...
getNlsConfIntGet NLS confidence intervals
getNlsParamsGet NLS parameter estimates Extracts parameter estimates from...
getNlsR2R^2 values for NLS models
getPooledParamsGet Pooled Parameters
getPooledPredsCalculates pooled predicted values from muliptly imputed...
getPooledR2Utility to calculate R^2 values by pooling values from...
getPooledSEPooled standard error from 'mice'
getRateCompCalculates the predicted value at time 'n' using the model:
mCountCalculate datasets to impute
obsImpResiPlotPlot residuals vs fitted for imputed and observed models
pivotImpPivot imputed data
poolResidualsAnalyse mean residuals from multiply imputed repeated...
theme_cmydasCustom ggplot theme for Conservation Letters
earlycapistran/consLettersUtils documentation built on Nov. 22, 2022, 1:22 a.m.