poolResiduals: Analyse mean residuals from multiply imputed repeated...

View source: R/poolResiduals.R

poolResidualsR Documentation

Analyse mean residuals from multiply imputed repeated analyses


Provides residual analysis for multiply imputed repeated analyses, generated by package 'mice', by extracting residual and fitted values from each complete-data model generated by the 'with.mids' function in 'mice', and then averaging residual and fitted values across all models.

This functions averages residuals and fitted values averaged across all 'm' complete-data models, and provides a normality plot and a plot of residual vs. fitted values. It also provides a Shapiro-Wilk normality test, Levene's test for homogeneity of variance, and residual mean.





An object of class 'mira' generated by the 'with.mids' function in ' mice'


Residual plots (normality, residuals vs. fitted values, lag plot) Shapiro-Wilk normality test, Levene Test for homogeneity of variance, Runs test for randomness.

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