
# context("compare_periods")
# aoi <- rgdal::readOGR(system.file("extdata", "wolftrap.geojson", package = "cft"))
# file_refs <- cftdata(aoi = aoi, 
#                      area_name = "wolftrap",
#                      parameters = c("tasmax", "pr"),
#                      years = c(2005, 2007), 
#                      models = "CCSM4", 
#                      scenarios = "rcp85")
# df <- cft_df(file_reference = file_refs, ncores = 2)
# test_that("Test compare_periods", {
#   comparison <- compare_periods(df,
#                                 var1 = "pr",
#                                 var2 = "tasmax",
#                                 agg_fun = "mean",
#                                 target_period = c(2005, 2006),
#                                 reference_period = c(2007, 2007),
#                                 scenarios = "rcp85")
#   expect_s3_class(comparison, "data.frame")
# })
# test_that("Months can be formatted from integers", {
#   month_string <- format_months(1:3)
#   expect_identical(month_string, c("Jan", "Feb", "Mar"))
# })
# test_that("Invalid filter params raise errors", {
#   expect_error(compare_periods(df, var1 = "foo", var2 = "bar"), 
#                regexp = "The requested variables are not present")
# })
# test_that("Invalid aggregation functions raise errors", {
#   expect_error(
#     compare_periods(
#       df,
#       var1 = "pr",
#       var2 = "tasmax",
#       agg_fun = "bammallammadingo",
#       target_period = c(2005, 2005),
#       reference_period = c(2006, 2006),
#       scenarios = "rcp85"), 
#     regexp = "is not available"
#   )
# })
# test_that("Invalid target year ranges raise errors.", {
#   expect_error(
#     compare_periods(
#       df,
#       var1 = "pr",
#       var2 = "tasmax",
#       agg_fun = "mean",
#       target_period = c(2222, 2223),
#       reference_period = c(2004, 2004),
#       scenarios = "rcp85"), 
#     regexp = "The requested target period is at least partially")
# })
# test_that("Invalid reference year ranges raise errors.", {
#   expect_error(
#     compare_periods(
#       df,
#       var1 = "pr",
#       var2 = "tasmax",
#       agg_fun = "mean",
#       target_period = c(2005, 2005),
#       reference_period = c(1100, 1100),
#       scenarios = "rcp85"), 
#     regexp = "The requested reference period is at least partially")
# })
# test_that("Providing a single year for target period works.", {
#   comparison <- compare_periods(df,
#                                 var1 = "pr",
#                                 var2 = "tasmax",
#                                 agg_fun = "mean",
#                                 target_period = 2007,
#                                 reference_period = 2005:2006,
#                                 scenarios = "rcp85")
#   expect_s3_class(comparison, "data.frame")
# })
# test_that("Providing a single year for reference period works.", {
#   comparison <- compare_periods(df,
#                                 var1 = "pr",
#                                 var2 = "tasmax",
#                                 agg_fun = "mean",
#                                 reference_period = 2007,
#                                 target_period = 2005:2006,
#                                 scenarios = "rcp85")
#   expect_s3_class(comparison, "data.frame")
# })
# test_that("Providing invalid scenario raises errors.", {
#   expect_error(
#     comparison <- compare_periods(df,
#                                   var1 = "pr",
#                                   var2 = "tasmax",
#                                   agg_fun = "mean",
#                                   target_period = 2005,
#                                   reference_period = 2006,
#                                   scenarios = "rcp9000"),
#     regexp = "The requested scenarios are not present")
# })
# test_that("format_months return expected error", {
#   expect_error(
#     format_months("may"), regexp = "must be numeric"
#   )
# })
earthlab/cft documentation built on Oct. 10, 2022, 8:30 p.m.