interpret_r2: Interpret Coefficient of Determination (R^2)

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interpret_r2R Documentation

Interpret Coefficient of Determination (R^2)


Interpret Coefficient of Determination (R^2)


interpret_r2(r2, rules = "cohen1988")



Value or vector of R^2 values.


Can be "cohen1988" (default), "falk1992", "chin1998", "hair2011", or custom set of rules()].


For Linear Regression

  • Cohen (1988) ("cohen1988"; default)

    • R2 < 0.02 - Very weak

    • 0.02 <= R2 < 0.13 - Weak

    • 0.13 <= R2 < 0.26 - Moderate

    • R2 >= 0.26 - Substantial

  • Falk & Miller (1992) ("falk1992")

    • R2 < 0.1 - Negligible

    • R2 >= 0.1 - Adequate

For PLS / SEM R-Squared of latent variables

  • Chin, W. W. (1998) ("chin1998")

    • R2 < 0.19 - Very weak

    • 0.19 <= R2 < 0.33 - Weak

    • 0.33 <= R2 < 0.67 - Moderate

    • R2 >= 0.67 - Substantial

  • Hair et al. (2011) ("hair2011")

    • R2 < 0.25 - Very weak

    • 0.25 <= R2 < 0.50 - Weak

    • 0.50 <= R2 < 0.75 - Moderate

    • R2 >= 0.75 - Substantial


  • Cohen, J. (1988). Statistical power analysis for the behavioral sciences (2nd Ed.). New York: Routledge.

  • Falk, R. F., & Miller, N. B. (1992). A primer for soft modeling. University of Akron Press.

  • Chin, W. W. (1998). The partial least squares approach to structural equation modeling. Modern methods for business research, 295(2), 295-336.

  • Hair, J. F., Ringle, C. M., & Sarstedt, M. (2011). PLS-SEM: Indeed a silver bullet. Journal of Marketing theory and Practice, 19(2), 139-152.


interpret_r2(c(.5, .02))

easystats/effectsize documentation built on July 21, 2024, 12:20 p.m.