find_terms: Find all model terms

View source: R/find_terms.R

find_termsR Documentation

Find all model terms


Returns a list with the names of all terms, including response value and random effects, "as is". This means, on-the-fly tranformations or arithmetic expressions like log(), I(), as.factor() etc. are preserved.


find_terms(x, ...)

## Default S3 method:
find_terms(x, flatten = FALSE, as_term_labels = FALSE, verbose = TRUE, ...)



A fitted model.


Currently not used.


Logical, if TRUE, the values are returned as character vector, not as list. Duplicated values are removed.


Logical, if TRUE, extracts model formula and tries to access the "term.labels" attribute. This should better mimic the terms() behaviour even for those models that do not have such a method, but may be insufficient, e.g. for mixed models.


Toggle warnings.


A list with (depending on the model) following elements (character vectors):

  • response, the name of the response variable

  • conditional, the names of the predictor variables from the conditional model (as opposed to the zero-inflated part of a model)

  • random, the names of the random effects (grouping factors)

  • zero_inflated, the names of the predictor variables from the zero-inflated part of the model

  • zero_inflated_random, the names of the random effects (grouping factors)

  • dispersion, the name of the dispersion terms

  • instruments, the names of instrumental variables

Returns NULL if no terms could be found (for instance, due to problems in accessing the formula).

Parameters, Variables, Predictors and Terms

There are four functions that return information about the variables in a model: find_predictors(), find_variables(), find_terms() and find_parameters(). There are some differences between those functions, which are explained using following model. Note that some, but not all of those functions return information about the dependent and independent variables. In this example, we only show the differences for the independent variables.

model <- lm(mpg ~ factor(gear), data = mtcars)
  • find_terms(model) returns the model terms, i.e. how the variables were used in the model, e.g. applying transformations like factor(), poly() etc. find_terms() may return a variable name multiple times in case of multiple transformations. The return value would be "factor(gear)".

  • find_parameters(model) returns the names of the model parameters (coefficients). The return value would be "(Intercept)", "factor(gear)4" and "factor(gear)5".

  • find_variables() returns the original variable names. find_variables() returns each variable name only once. The return value would be "gear".

  • find_predictors() is comparable to find_variables() and also returns the original variable names, but excluded the dependent (response) variables. The return value would be "gear".


The difference to find_variables() is that find_terms() may return a variable multiple times in case of multiple transformations (see examples below), while find_variables() returns each variable name only once.


data(sleepstudy, package = "lme4")
m <- suppressWarnings(lme4::lmer(
  log(Reaction) ~ Days + I(Days^2) + (1 + Days + exp(Days) | Subject),
  data = sleepstudy


# sometimes, it is necessary to retrieve terms from "term.labels" attribute
m <- lm(mpg ~ hp * (am + cyl), data = mtcars)
find_terms(m, as_term_labels = TRUE)

easystats/insight documentation built on Feb. 27, 2025, 9:22 a.m.