
context("Testing that augmenting synth with different models loads and runs")

basque <- basque %>% mutate(trt = case_when(year < 1975 ~ 0,
                                            regionno != 17 ~0,
                                            regionno == 17 ~ 1)) %>%
    filter(regionno != 1)

test_that("Augmenting synth with glmnet runs", {

    if(!requireNamespace("glmnet", quietly = TRUE)) {
        ## should fail because glmnet isn't installed
        expect_error(augsynth(gdpcap ~ trt, regionno, year, basque, progfunc="EN", scm=T),
                     "you must install the glmnet package")

        ## install glmnet
        install.packages("glmnet", repos = "http://cran.us.r-project.org")

    ## should run because glmnet is installed
    expect_error(augsynth(gdpcap ~ trt, regionno, year, basque, progfunc="EN", scm=T),

test_that("Augmenting synth with random forest runs", {

    if(!requireNamespace("randomForest", quietly = TRUE)) {
        ## should fail because randomForest isn't installed
        expect_error(augsynth(gdpcap ~ trt, regionno, year, basque, progfunc="RF", scm=T),
                     "you must install the randomForest package")

        ## install randomForest
        install.packages("randomForest", repos = "http://cran.us.r-project.org")

    ## should run because randomForest is installed
    expect_error(augsynth(gdpcap ~ trt, regionno, year, basque, progfunc="RF", scm=T),

test_that("Augmenting synth with gsynth runs and produces the correct result", {

    if(!requireNamespace("gsynth", quietly = TRUE)) {
        ## should fail because gsynth isn't installed
        expect_error(augsynth(gdpcap ~ trt, regionno, year, basque, 
                              progfunc="GSYN", scm=T),
                     "you must install the gsynth package")

        ## install gsynth
        install.packages("gsynth", repos = "http://cran.us.r-project.org")

    ## should run because gsynth is installed
      augsynth(gdpcap ~ trt, regionno, year, basque, 
                                progfunc = "GSYN", scm = T, CV = 0, r = 4),
    asyn_gsyn <- augsynth(gdpcap ~ trt, regionno, year, basque,
                          progfunc = "GSYN", scm = F, CV = 0, r = 4)
    expect_equal(summary(asyn_gsyn, inf = F)$average_att$Estimate, 
                 -0.1444637, tolerance=1e-4) 

test_that("Augmenting synth with MCPanel runs", {

    if(!requireNamespace("MCPanel", quietly = TRUE)) {
        ## should fail because MCPanel isn't installed
        expect_error(augsynth(gdpcap ~ trt, regionno, year, basque, progfunc="MCP", scm=T),
                     "you must install the MCPanel package")
    } else {
        ## should run because MCPanel is installed
        expect_error(augsynth(gdpcap ~ trt, regionno, year, basque, progfunc="MCP", scm=T),


test_that("Augmenting synth with CausalImpact runs", {

    if(!requireNamespace("CausalImpact", quietly = TRUE)) {
        ## should fail because CausalImpact isn't installed
        expect_error(augsynth(gdpcap ~ trt, regionno, year, basque, progfunc="CausalImpact", scm=T),
                     "you must install the CausalImpact package")

        ## install CausalImpact
        install.packages("CausalImpact", repos = "http://cran.us.r-project.org")

    ## should run because CausalImpact is installed
    expect_error(augsynth(gdpcap ~ trt, regionno, year, basque, progfunc="CausalImpact", scm=T),
ebenmichael/augsynth documentation built on Sept. 9, 2024, 3:29 p.m.