Man pages for ebenmichael/balancer
Matrix constraints for covariate balance

balancerbalancer: A package for treatment effect heterogeneity and...
calibrateCalibrate sample to target
check_args_treatmentCheck that data is in right shape and hyparameters are...
check_args_treatment_kernelCheck that data is in right shape and hyparameters are...
check_dataCheck that data is in right shape and hyparameters are...
check_data_clusterCheck that data is in right shape and hyparameters are...
check_data_multiCheck that data is in right shape and hyparameters are...
check_data_rctCheck that data is in right shape and hyparameters are...
check_data_survCheck that data is in right shape, hyparameters are feasible,...
cluster_weightsRe-weight groups to target population means
compute_block_diag_kernelCompute block diagonal kernel matrix
compute_cluster_seCompute point estimate and standard error with clustered...
compute_kernelcompute kernel matrix
create_constraintsCreate the constraints for QP: l <= Ax <= u
create_constraints_clusterCreate the constraints for QP: l <= Ax <= u
create_constraints_l2Create the constraints for QP: l <= Ax <= u
create_constraints_multiCreate the constraints for QP: l <= Ax <= u
create_constraints_multi_kernCreate the constraints for QP: l <= Ax <= u
create_constraints_rctCreate the constraints for QP: l <= Ax <= u
create_constraints_stochastic_intCreate the constraints for QP: l <= Ax <= u
create_constraints_treatmentCreate the constraints for QP: l <= Ax <= u
create_constraints_treatment_kernelCreate the constraints for QP: l <= Ax <= u
create_I0_matrixCreate diagonal regularization matrix
create_I0_matrix_multiCreate diagonal regularization matrix
create_I0_matrix_survCreate diagonal regularization matrix
create_I0_matrix_treatmentCreate diagonal regularization matrix
create_I0_matrix_treatment_kernelCreate diagonal regularization matrix
create_P_matrixCreate the P matrix for an QP that solves min_x 0.5 * x'Px +...
create_P_matrix_clusterCreate the P matrix for an QP that solves min_x 0.5 * x'Px +...
create_P_matrix_multiCreate the P matrix for an QP that solves min_x 0.5 * x'Px +...
create_P_matrix_multi_kernCreate the P matrix for an QP that solves min_x 0.5 * x'Px +...
create_P_matrix_survCreate the P matrix for an QP that solves min_x 0.5 * x'Px +...
create_P_matrix_treatmentCreate the P matrix for an QP that solves min_x 0.5 * x'Px +...
create_P_matrix_treatment_kernelCreate the P matrix for an QP that solves min_x 0.5 * x'Px +...
create_q_vectorCreate the q vector for an QP that solves min_x 0.5 * x'Px +...
create_q_vector_clusterCreate the q vector for an QP that solves min_x 0.5 * x'Px +...
create_q_vector_multiCreate the q vector for an QP that solves min_x 0.5 * x'Px +...
create_q_vector_multi_kernCreate the q vector for an QP that solves min_x 0.5 * x'Px +...
create_q_vector_survCreate the q vector for an QP that solves min_x 0.5 * x'Px +...
create_q_vector_treatmentCreate the q vector for an QP that solves min_x 0.5 * x'Px +...
create_q_vector_treatment_kernelCreate the q vector for an QP that solves min_x 0.5 * x'Px +...
create_scaled_I_matrixCreate diagonal regularization matrix
get_uniform_weightsGet a set of uniform weights for initialization
get_uniform_weights_treatmentGet a set of uniform weights for initialization
get_uniform_weights_treatment_kernelGet a set of uniform weights for initialization
l2_balance_internalRe-weight data to a target with local and global constraints
maxsubset_weightsFind maximum effective sample size balanced set
maxsubset_weights_clusterFind maximum effective sample size balanced set
multilevel_ate_qpRe-weight treated and control sub-groups to sub-group means
multilevel_kernel_qpRe-weight control sub-groups to treated sub-group with kernel...
multilevel_qpRe-weight control sub-groups to treated sub-group means
standardizeRe-weight groups to target population means
standardize_indirectRe-weight populations to group targets
standardize_indirect_zRe-weight population to group z's target
standardize_rctRe-weight groups to target population means
standardize_treatmentRe-weight groups to target population means
standardize_treatment_hybridRe-weight groups to target population means
standardize_treatment_kernelRe-weight groups to target population means
stochastic_intBalance towards a stochastic intervention
survival_qpRe-weight control sub-groups to treated sub-group means
ebenmichael/balancer documentation built on Jan. 17, 2024, 2:56 p.m.