Man pages for ebenmichael/ents
Maximum Entropy Synthetic Controls

abs_tstatabsolute value of the t statistic
bin_searchWrapper for bin_search_ which generates tolerances to search...
bin_search_Perform binary search for the smallest balance which is...
bin_search_balancerFind the minimal amount of regularization possible
bootstrap_balBootstrap standard errors for estimated counterfactual with...
bootstrap_ridgeaugBootstrap standard errors for estimated counterfactual with...
bootstrap_scBootstrap standard errors for estimated counterfactual with...
cherno_testWeighted Least Squares Standard Errors
clean_basqueClean up the basque data that comes from the Synth package
compute_attCompute the ATT in the post-period
compute_statCompute a test statistic statfunc(Y_t | t in times)
concat_synth_outFit synthetic controls for multiple outcomes with random...
create_indexCreate an index of the outcomes with a weighted average
cv_di_balCross validation for balancing weights, DI style Uses the CV...
cv_kfold_balCross validation for balancing weights K-fold cross...
cv_wz_balCross validation for l2_entropy regularized synthetic...
di_standard_errorEstimate the variance of the SC estimate
double_screenScreen covariates for the outcome process with LASSO and...
entsents: A package for maximum entropy synthetic controls with...
est_attFit weights and get att estimates
firpo_infGet the permutation distribution of the test stat assuming...
firpo_inf_synthGet the permutation distribution of SC estimate test...
fit_augsyn_formattedFit E[Y(0)|X] and for each post-period and balance pre-period
fit_balancer_formattedFind Balancing weights by solving the dual optimization...
fit_drFit a regularized outcome model and synthetic controls
fit_dr_formattedFit a regularized outcome model and synthetic controls for a...
fit_ebal_formattedFit entropy balancing weights
fit_entropyFit l2 entropy regularized synthetic controls on outcomes...
fit_entropy_formattedFit l2 entropy regularized synthetic controls by solving the...
fit_ipwFit IPW weights with a logit propensity score model
fit_ipw_formattedFit IPW weights with a logit propensity score model
fit_prog_causalimpactFit a bayesian structural time series to fit E[Y(0)|X]
fit_prog_citsFit a Comparitive interupted time series to fit E[Y(0)|X]
fit_prog_completeUse nuclear norm matrix completion to fit outcome model
fit_prog_gsynthUse gsynth to fit factor model for E[Y(0)|X]
fit_prog_mcpanelUse Athey (2017) matrix completion panel data code
fit_prog_regUse a separate regularized regression for each post period to...
fit_prog_rfUse a separate random forest regression for each post period...
fit_prog_seq2seqFit a seq2seq model with a feedforward net to fit E[Y(0)|X]
fit_progsyn_formattedFit E[Y(0)|X] and for each post-period and balance these
fit_residaug_formattedFit E[Y(0)|X] and for each post-period and balance pre-period
fit_ridgeaug_cov_formattedRidge augmented weights with covariates
fit_ridgeaug_formattedRidge augmented weights
fit_screensyn_formattedSelect covariates for E[Y(0)|X], then balance those
fit_svd_formattedFit synthetic controls on outcomes after performing SVD
fit_synthFit synthetic controls on outcomes, wrapper around...
fit_synth_formattedFit synthetic controls on outcomes after formatting data
fit_uniform_formattedUse difference in means
format_dataFormat "long" panel data into "wide" matrices to fit...
format_ipwFormat "long" panel data into "wide" matrices to fit IPW
format_synthGet the outcomes data into the correct form for Synth::synth
format_synth_multiGet multiple outcomes data as matrices
get_augsynFit outcome model and balance residuals
get_balancerFind Balancing weights by solving the dual optimization...
get_drFit a regularized outcome model and synthetic controls
get_ebalFit entropy balancing weights
get_entropyFit l2_entropy regularized synthetic controls on outcomes
get_indexFit synthetic controls for multiple outcomes together with an...
get_index_entFit entropy regularized synthetic controls for multiple...
get_index_synFit synthetic controls for multiple outcomes together with an...
get_ipwFit IPW weights with a logit propensity score model
get_jointFit synthetic controls for multiple outcomes with the same...
get_joint_entFit entropy regularized synthetic controls for multiple...
get_joint_synFit synthetic controls for multiple outcomes with the same...
get_progsynFit synthetic controls on estimated outcomes under control
get_residaugFit outcome model and balance residuals
get_ridgeaugFit synthetic controls on outcomes
get_ridgeaug_covFit synthetic controls on outcomes
get_screensynFit synthetic controls on estimated outcomes under control
get_separateFit synthetic controls for multiple outcomes separately
get_separate_entFit synthetic controls for multiple outcomes separately
get_separate_synFit synthetic controls for multiple outcomes separately
get_svd_balFind Balancing weights by solving the dual optimization...
get_svd_synFind Balancing weights by solving the dual optimization...
get_synthFit synthetic controls on outcomes
get_uniformUse difference in means
get_wlsaugGet weights then fit outcome model with weighted loss...
importance_testEstimate p-value with non-uniform probabilities of treatment...
importance_test_scGet the weighted permutation distribution of SC estimate test...
impute_controlsImpute the controls after fitting synth
impute_drImpute the controls after fitting a dr estimator
impute_residaugImpute the controls after fitting gynsth and reweighting...
impute_synaugImpute the controls after fitting a dr estimator
lasso_screenScreen covariates for the outcome process
lexicalFinds the lowest feasible tolerance in each group, holding...
lexical_timeFinds the lowest feasible tolerance in each time period from...
logsumexpCompute numerically stable logsumexp
logsumexp_gradCompute numerically stable logsumexp gradient with natural...
loo_se_ridgeaugUse leave out one estimates (placebo gaps) to estimate...
mean_absmean absolute difference
plot_attPlot the estimate of the att
plot_outcomesPlot the outcomes from a study/simulation
prox_groupprox operator for group LASSO (generalization of prox_l2)
prox_l1prox operator of sum(lam * abs(x))
prox_l2prox operator of lam * ||x||_2
recent_groupLexically minimizes the imbalance in two groups, recent and...
rmse_ratiotest stat is ratio of RMSEs in post and pre
sep_lassoFinds the lowest feasible tolerance in units of standard...
sep_lasso_Internal function that does the work of sep_lasso
sim_factor_modelGenerate data from a factor model as in ADH 2010 (5) and...
standard_error_Internal function to estimate the variance of the SC estimate
svyglm_se_Compute standard errors from survey glm
svyglm_se_synthsvyglm standard errors
valid_testEstimate p-value with non-uniform probabilities of treatment...
weighted_testEstimate p-value with non-uniform probabilities of treatment...
weighted_test_balGet the weighted permutation distribution of SC estimate test...
weighted_test_scGet the weighted permutation distribution of SC estimate test...
wls_se_Compute model-based weighted least squares SE estimates of...
wls_se_balBootstrap standard errors for estimated counterfactual with...
wls_se_ridgeaugWeighted Least Squares Standard Errors
wls_se_synthWeighted Least Squares Standard Errors
wpermtestGet the permutation distribution of the test stat assuming...
wpermtest2Get the permutation distribution of the test stat assuming...
wpermtest2_scGet the weighted permutation distribution of SC estimate test...
wpermtest_scGet the weighted permutation distribution of SC estimate test...
wvar_se_ridgeaugUse closed form weighted variance estiamte for...
ebenmichael/ents documentation built on May 31, 2019, 8:45 p.m.