
#' Demo predictor data
#' A demo dataset for testing and illustrative purposes.
#' @format A data frame with 286 rows and 20 variables:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{location_id}{Location ID - unique identifer for location}
#'   \item{date_taken}{Date as character class in 2012-12-31 format only}
#'   \item{question}{Question - either `WHPT ASPT Abund` or `WHPT NTAXA Abund`}
#'   \item{response}{Response value to question}
#'   \item{water body previously classified}{water body previously classified}
#'   \item{water body sampled}{water body sampled}
#'   \item{water body used for typical class}{water body used for typical class}
#'   \item{Reported WHPT Class Year}{Reported WHPT Class Year - "2016" etc}
#'   \item{Typical ASPT Class}{Typical ASPT Class}
#'   \item{Typical NTAXA Class}{Typical NTAXA Class}
#'   \item{NGR}{National Grid Reference - Great Britain only}
#'   \item{SX}{Coordinated where GIS predictors come from}
#'   \item{SY}{Coordinated where GIS predictors come from}
#'   \item{EX}{Coordinated where GIS predictors queried}
#'   \item{EY}{Coordinated where GIS predictors queried}
#'   \item{Altitude}{Altitude in metres}
#'   \item{d_f_source}{Distance from source in metres}
#'   \item{logaltbar}{Log altitude in metres of catchment upstream}
#'   \item{log_area}{Log area of catchment upstream in km squared}
#'   \item{disch_cat}{Discharge category}
#'   \item{slope}{Slope in m / km}
#'   \item{chalk}{Proporation of chalk in catchment}
#'   \item{clay}{Proporation of clay in catchment}
#'   \item{hardrock}{Proporation of hardrock in catchment}
#'   \item{limestone}{Proporation of limestone in catchment}
#'   \item{peat}{Proporation of peat in catchment}
#'   \item{shape_Length}{Length of the river section represented in GIS layer}
#'   \item{sample_id}{Sample ID - unique identifer for sample}
#' }
ecodata1/whpt documentation built on Sept. 27, 2024, 9:02 p.m.