Trent_climate: Data set of Trentino climate

Description Usage Format Source Examples


Data set for definition of climate of Trentino, Italy. It includes monthly series of temperature and precipitation, and reference tables for definition of aridity and continentality / oceanicity.




lista_cli a list of 40 data frames (one for each station), with monthly time series of precipitation and temperature (minimum and maximum).

clima_81_10 a list (one table for each station) of 40 monthly climatic normals of precipitation and temperature (minimum, maximum, and mean) for the climatic period 1981 - 2010. It has been calculated by function climate.

thornt_lst an S3 object: a "hyperlist" (list of lists of lists), one list of lists for each station. For every station, the first list (Thornth._W._bal) reports the monthly series of water balance quantities for the station, each in one data frame (see function thornthwaite for details). The second list (quantiles) reports the monthly quantiles for the same quantities.

W_balance is the first list (W_balance) in thornt_lst organized according to stations. See Examples in function thornthwaite for its construction.

quantiles is the second list (quantiles) in thornt_lst organized according to stations. See Examples in function thornthwaite for its construction.

coord_elev is a data frame of coordinates and elevation for each station in the data set. Fields are: station id, northing (degrees), easting (degrees), elevation (m).

coeff_rad is a vector of 12 "radiative energy coefficients" for Hargreaves' equation, corresponding to the daily extra-atmospheric solar radiation energy. It is the output of function ExAtRa.

arid_ind_tables is a list formed by six data frames. Used for reference in aridity indices assessment (see function arid and references for data sources).

continental_ind_tables is a list formed by three data frames. Used for reference in continentality / oceanicity indices assessment (see function contin and references for data sources).

P is the daily data frame of precipitation for a number of stations, used in function oiv_ind

Tm is the daily data frame of mean daily temperature for a number of stations, used in function oiv_ind

Tn is the daily data frame of minimum daily temperature for a number of stations, used in function oiv_ind

Tx is the daily data frame of maximum daily temperature for a number of stations, used in function oiv_ind


Series like "Txxxx" were supplied by the Autonomous Province of Trento - Meteotrentino (I). Series like "FEMxx" were supplied by Fondazione Edmund Mach, San Michele all'Adige (I).



ecor/ClimClass documentation built on May 15, 2019, 8 p.m.