
#' A GeotopRasterBrick: an object to manage raster maps provied by GEOtop!!
#' @name zoo-class
#' @rdname zoo-class
#' @exportClass zoo 
##   @keywords classes
#' @examples showClass("zoo")

##   @exportClass varest
## #    
## #  \code{varest} S3 class (formal definition) see \code{\link{VAR}} 
## #  
## #  	\describe{
## #      The details of the class are reported on \code{\link{VAR}} documentation in "vars" package
## #   }
## #  
## #  
## #  @title varest-class 
## #  
## #  @note Formal definition with \code{\link{setOldClass}} for the S3 class \code{varest2} 
## #  subset
## #  

##   @author Bernhard Pfaff 
##   @docType class
##   @aliases varest
##   @name varest-class
##   @rdname varest-class
##   @keywords classes
##   @exportClass varest
##   @examples showClass("varest")

#' A GeotopRasterBrick: an object to manage raster maps provied by GEOtop!! 
#'  \describe{
#'     \item{\code{ascpath}:}{A \code{"zoo"} S3 object containing the names of ascii maps provided by GEOtop 
#'  }
#'  \item{\code{index}:}{A \code{"POSIXt"} S3 object containing time or dates on which raster layers of \code{brick} are referred
#'  }
#'  \item{\code{layer}:}{character. Name of the vertical layer at which raster map are referred
#'  }
#' \item{\code{brick}:}{A \code{"RasterBrick-class"} S4 object containing the  Raster-Layer maps imported from GEOtop output files   
#'  }   
#' #' @note A \code{GeotopRasterBrick} object can be created by \code{new("GeotopRasterBrick", ...)} 
#' @docType class 
#' @title GeotopRasterBrick-class 
#' @keywords classes
#' @seealso \code{\link{Raster-class}}
#' @author Emanuele Cordano
#' @aliases GeotopRasterBrick
#' @name GeotopRasterBrick-class
#' @rdname GeotopRasterBrick-class
#' @exportClass GeotopRasterBrick
#' @examples showClass("GeotopRasterBrick")
#' @exportClass GeotopRasterBrick 


ecor/geotopbricks documentation built on Aug. 16, 2024, 3:28 a.m.