
Defines functions testOutput testFormat utcdate.default utcdate.factor utcdate.POSIXt utcdate.Date utcdate utctime anydate.default anydate.factor anydate.POSIXt anydate.Date anydate anytime.default anytime.factor anytime.Date anytime.POSIXt anytime

Documented in anydate anytime utcdate utctime

## anytime: Use Boost Date_Time to convert date(time) data to POSIXt
## Copyright (C) 2015 - 2023  Dirk Eddelbuettel
## This file is part of anytime.
## anytime is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
## under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
## (at your option) any later version.
## anytime is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with anytime.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

##' These function use the Boost Date_Time library to parse
##' datetimes (and dates) from strings, integers, factors or even numeric values
##' (which are cast to strings internally). They return a vector of
##' \code{POSIXct} objects (or \code{Date} objects in the case of \code{anydate}).
##' \code{POSIXct} objects represent dates and time as (possibly
##' fractional) seconds since the \sQuote{epoch} of January 1, 1970.
##' A timezone can be set, if none is supplied \sQuote{UTC} is set.
##' A number of fixed formats are tried in succession. These include
##' the standard ISO format \sQuote{YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS} as well as
##' different local variants including several forms popular in the
##' United States.  Two-digits years and clearly ambigous formats such
##' as \sQuote{03/04/05} are ignored.  In the case of parsing failure
##' a \code{NA} value is returned.
##' Fractional seconds are supported as well.  As R itself only supports
##' microseconds, the Boost compile-time option for nano-second resolution
##' has not been enabled.
##' @section Notes:
##' By default, the (internal) conversion to (fractional) seconds since the epoch is
##' relative to the locatime of this system, and therefore not completely
##' independent of the settings of the local system. This is to strike a
##' balance between ease of use and functionality.  A more-full featured
##' conversion could be possibly be added with support for arbitrary
##' reference times, but this is (at least) currently outside the scope of
##' this package. See the \pkg{RcppCCTZ} package which offers some
##' timezone-shifting and differencing functionality. As of version 0.0.5 one
##' can also parse relative to UTC avoiding the localtime issue,
##' Times and timezones can be tricky. This package offers a heuristic approach,
##' it is likely that some input formats may not be parsed, or worse, be parsed
##' incorrectly. This is not quite a \href{https://xkcd.com/327/}{Bobby Tables}
##' situation but care must always be taken with user-supplied input.
##' The Boost Date_Time library cannot parse single digit months or
##' days. So while \sQuote{2016/09/02} works (as expected),
##' \sQuote{2016/9/2} will not. Other non-standard formats may also
##' fail.
##' There is a known issue (discussed at length in
##' \href{https://github.com/eddelbuettel/anytime/issues/5}{issue
##' ticket 5}) where Australian times are off by an hour. This seems
##' to affect only Windows, not Linux.
##' When given a vector, R will coerce it to the type of the first
##' element. Should that be \code{NA}, surprising things can
##' happen: \code{c(NA, Sys.Date())} forces both values to
##' \code{numeric} and the date will not be parsed correctly (as its
##' integer value becomes numeric before our code sees it). On the
##' other hand, \code{c(Sys.Date(), NA)} works as expected parsing as
##' type Date with one missing value. See
##' \href{https://github.com/eddelbuettel/anytime/issues/11}{issue
##' ticket 11} for more.
##' Another known issue concerns conversion when the timezone is set
##' to \sQuote{Europe/London}, see GitHub issue tickets
##' \href{https://github.com/eddelbuettel/anytime/issues/36}{36}.
##' \href{https://github.com/eddelbuettel/anytime/issues/51}{51}.
##' \href{https://github.com/eddelbuettel/anytime/issues/59}{59}. and
##' \href{https://github.com/eddelbuettel/anytime/issues/86}{86}. As
##' pointed out in the comment in that last one, the
##' \code{\link{Sys.timezone}} manual page suggests several
##' alternatives to using \sQuote{Europe/London} such as \sQuote{GB}.
##' Yet another known issue arises on Windows due to designs in the
##' Boost library. While we can set the \code{TZ} library variable,
##' Boost actually does \emph{not} consult it but rather relies only
##' on the (Windows) tool \code{tzutil}. This means that default
##' behaviour should be as expected: dates and/or times are parsed to
##' the local settings.  But testing different \code{TZ} values (or
##' more precisely, changes via the (unexported) helper function
##' \code{setTZ} function as we cache \code{TZ}) will only influence
##' the behaviour on Unix or Unix-alike operating systems and not on
##' Windows.  See the discussion at
##' \href{https://github.com/eddelbuettel/anytime/issues/96}{issue
##' ticket 96} for more. In short, the recommendation for Windows
##' user is to also set \code{useR=TRUE} when setting a timezone
##' argument.
##' @section Operating System Impact:
##' On Windows systems, accessing the \code{isdst} flag on dates or times
##' before January 1, 1970, can lead to a crash. Therefore, the lookup of this
##' value has been disabled for those dates and times, which could therefore be
##' off by an hour (the common value that needs to be corrected).
##' It should not affect dates, but may affect datetime objects.
##' @section Old Heuristic:
##' Up until version 0.2.2, numeric input smaller than an internal cutoff value
##' was interpreted as a date, even if \code{anytime()} was called.  While
##' convenient, it is also inconsistent as we otherwise take numeric values to
##' be offsets to the epoch. Newer version are consistent: for \code{anydate}, a
##' value is taken as \emph{date offset} relative to the epoch (of January 1, 1970).
##' For \code{anytime}, it is taken as \emph{seconds offset}. So \code{anytime(60)}
##' is one minute past the epoch, and \code{anydate(60)} is sixty days past it.
##' The old behaviour can be enabled by setting the \code{oldHeuristic} argument to
##' \code{anytime} (and \code{utctime}) to \code{TRUE}.  Additionally, the default
##' value can be set via \code{getOption("anytimeOldHeuristic")} which can be set
##' to \code{TRUE} in startup file. Note that all other inputs such character,
##' factor or ordered are not affected.
##' @section Warnings:
##' As of version 0.3.10, a conversion from character resulting in a \code{NA}
##' will lead to a warning being emitted.  At most one warning per call is given:
##' should numerous unparseable values be present on input, only one warning will
##' be show. R offers mechanism to either suppress warnings, or convert them
##' to errors as described in the help page for \code{options()} under the entry
##' for \code{warn}.
##' @title Parse POSIXct or Date objects from input data
##' @param x A vector of type character, integer or numeric with date(time)
##' expressions to be parsed and converted.
##' @param tz A string with the timezone, defaults to the result of the (internal)
##' \code{getTZ} function if unset. The \code{getTZ} function returns the timezone
##' values stored in local package environment, and set at package load time. Also
##' note that this argument applies to the \emph{output}: the returned object will
##' have this timezone set. The timezone is \emph{not} used for the parsing which
##' will always be to localtime, or to UTC is the \code{asUTC} variable is set (as
##' it is in the related functions \code{\link{utctime}} and \code{\link{utcdate}}).
##' So one can think of the argument as \sQuote{shift parsed time object to this
##' timezone}. This is similar to what \code{format()} in base R does, but our
##' return value is still a \code{POSIXt} object instead of a character value.
##' @param asUTC A logical value indicating if parsing should be to UTC; default
##' is false implying localtime.
##' @param useR A logical value indicating if conversion should be done via code
##' from R (via \code{Rcpp::Function}) instead of the default Boost routines. The
##' default value is the value of the option \code{anytimeUseRConversions} with a
##' fallback of \code{FALSE} if the option is unset. In other words, this will
##' be false by default but can be set to true via an option.
##' @param oldHeuristic A logical value to enable behaviour as in version 0.2.2 or earlier:
##' interpret a numeric or integer value that could be seen as a YYYYMMDD as a date. If
##' the default value \code{FALSE} is seen, then numeric values are used as offsets
##' dates (in \code{anydate} or \code{utcdate}), and as second offsets for datetimes
##' otherwise. A default value can also be set via the \code{anytimeOldHeuristic} option.
##' @param calcUnique A logical value with a default value of \code{FALSE} that tells the
##' function to perform the \code{anytime()} or \code{anydate()} calculation only once for
##' each unique value in the \code{x} vector. It results in no difference in inputs or
##' outputs, but can result in a significant speed increases for long vectors where each
##' timestamp appears more than once. However, it will result in a slight slow down for
##' input vectors where each timestamp appears only once.
##' @return A vector of \code{POSIXct} elements, or, in the case of \code{anydate},
##' a vector of \code{Date} objects.
##' @seealso \code{\link{anytime-package}}, \code{\link{getFormats}}
##' @references This StackOverflow answer provided the initial idea:
##' \url{https://stackoverflow.com/a/3787188/143305}.
##' @author Dirk Eddelbuettel
##' @examples
##' ## See the source code for a full list of formats, and the
##' ## or the reference in help('anytime-package') for details
##' times <- c("2004-03-21 12:45:33.123456",
##'           "2004/03/21 12:45:33.123456",
##'           "20040321 124533.123456",
##'           "03/21/2004 12:45:33.123456",
##'           "03-21-2004 12:45:33.123456",
##'           "2004-03-21",
##'           "20040321",
##'           "03/21/2004",
##'           "03-21-2004",
##'           "20010101")
##' anytime(times)
##' anydate(times)
##' utctime(times)
##' utcdate(times)
##' ## show effect of tz argument
##' anytime("2001-02-03 04:05:06")
##' ## adjust parsed time to given TZ argument
##' anytime("2001-02-03 04:05:06", tz="America/Los_Angeles")
##' ## somewhat equvalent base R functionality
##' format(anytime("2001-02-03 04:05:06"), tz="America/Los_Angeles")
anytime <- function(x, tz = getTZ(), asUTC = FALSE,
                    useR = getOption("anytimeUseRConversions", FALSE),
                    oldHeuristic = getOption("anytimeOldHeuristic", FALSE),
                    calcUnique = FALSE) {

anytime.POSIXt <- function(x, tz = getTZ(), asUTC = FALSE,
                           useR = getOption("anytimeUseRConversions", FALSE),
                           oldHeuristic = getOption("anytimeOldHeuristic", FALSE),
                           calcUnique = FALSE) {
    return(as.POSIXct(x, tz=tz))

anytime.Date <- function(x, tz = getTZ(), asUTC = FALSE,
                         useR = getOption("anytimeUseRConversions", FALSE),
                         oldHeuristic = getOption("anytimeOldHeuristic", FALSE),
                         calcUnique = FALSE) {
    ## we format and reparse to get proper midnight in TZ treatment
    ## if we used as.Date() we would get midnight at UTC which is rarely desired
    ## x <- format(x)
    ## or not -- stick with what R does

anytime.factor <- function(x, tz = getTZ(), asUTC = FALSE,
                           useR = getOption("anytimeUseRConversions", FALSE),
                           oldHeuristic = getOption("anytimeOldHeuristic", FALSE),
                           calcUnique = FALSE) {
    x <- as.character(x)

anytime.default <- function(x,
                           tz = getTZ(),
                           asUTC = FALSE,
                           useR = getOption("anytimeUseRConversions", FALSE),
                           oldHeuristic = getOption("anytimeOldHeuristic", FALSE),
                           calcUnique = FALSE) {

    if (calcUnique == FALSE) {
        return(anytime_cpp(x, tz=tz, asUTC=asUTC, asDate=FALSE, useR=useR, oldHeuristic=oldHeuristic))
    } else {
        ux <- unique(x)
        uy <- anytime_cpp(ux, tz=tz, asUTC=asUTC, asDate=FALSE, useR=useR, oldHeuristic=oldHeuristic)
        return(uy[match(x, ux)])

##' @rdname anytime
anydate <- function(x, tz=getTZ(), asUTC=FALSE,
                    useR = getOption("anytimeUseRConversions", FALSE),
                    calcUnique = FALSE) {

anydate.Date <- function(x, tz=getTZ(), asUTC=FALSE,
                         useR = getOption("anytimeUseRConversions", FALSE),
                         calcUnique = FALSE) {
    return(x)                           # input is Date, pass through

anydate.POSIXt <- function(x, tz=getTZ(), asUTC=FALSE,
                           useR = getOption("anytimeUseRConversions", FALSE),
                           calcUnique = FALSE) {
    return(as.Date(x, tz=tz))  		# input is POSIXt, pass through converted

anydate.factor <- function(x, tz=getTZ(), asUTC=FALSE,
                           useR = getOption("anytimeUseRConversions", FALSE),
                           calcUnique = FALSE) {
    ## input is factor or order, convert
    x <- as.character(x)

anydate.default <- function(x, tz=getTZ(), asUTC=FALSE,
                            useR = getOption("anytimeUseRConversions", FALSE),
                            calcUnique = FALSE) {
    ## otherwise call anytime_cpp

    if (calcUnique == FALSE) {
        d <- anytime_cpp(x=x, tz=tz, asUTC=asUTC, asDate=TRUE, useR=useR, oldHeuristic=TRUE)
    } else {																# #nocov start
        ux <- unique(x)
        uy <- anytime_cpp(x=ux, tz=tz, asUTC=asUTC, asDate=TRUE, useR=useR, oldHeuristic=TRUE)
        d <- uy[match(x, ux)]
    }																		# #nocov end

    ## one code path could result in POSIXct, if so convert
    if (inherits(d, "POSIXt")) d <- as.Date(d, tz=tz)	# #nocov

    ## return result

##' @rdname anytime
utctime <- function(x, tz=getTZ(),
                    useR = getOption("anytimeUseRConversions", FALSE),
                    oldHeuristic=getOption("anytimeOldHeuristic", FALSE), calcUnique = FALSE) {
    val <- anytime(x=x, tz=tz, asUTC=TRUE, useR=useR, oldHeuristic=oldHeuristic, calcUnique=calcUnique)
    if (useR) {                         # need to adjust to UTC in this case
        dt <- as.POSIXlt(base::format(val, tz="UTC")) - as.POSIXlt(base::format(val))
        val <- val - dt

##' @rdname anytime
utcdate <- function(x, tz=getTZ(), useR = getOption("anytimeUseRConversions", FALSE), calcUnique = FALSE) {

utcdate.Date <- function(x, tz=getTZ(), useR = getOption("anytimeUseRConversions", FALSE), calcUnique = FALSE) {
    return(x) 				# input is Date, pass through

utcdate.POSIXt <- function(x, tz=getTZ(),
                           useR = getOption("anytimeUseRConversions", FALSE), calcUnique = FALSE) {
    return(as.Date(x, tz="UTC")) 	# input is POSIXt, pass through converted

utcdate.factor <- function(x, tz=getTZ(), useR = getOption("anytimeUseRConversions", FALSE), calcUnique = FALSE) {
    x <- as.character(x)     		# input is factor or order, convert

utcdate.default <- function(x, tz=getTZ(), useR = getOption("anytimeUseRConversions", FALSE), calcUnique = FALSE) {

    if (calcUnique == FALSE) {
        d <- anytime_cpp(x=x, tz=tz, asUTC=TRUE, asDate=TRUE, useR=useR, oldHeuristic=TRUE)
    } else {																# #nocov start
        ux <- unique(x)
        uy <- anytime_cpp(x=ux, tz=tz, asUTC=TRUE, asDate=TRUE, useR=useR, oldHeuristic=TRUE)
        d <- uy[match(x, ux)]
    }																		# #nocov end

    ## one code path could result in POSIXct, if so convert
    if (inherits(d, "POSIXt")) d <- as.Date(d, tz=tz)	# #nocov

    ## return result

testFormat <- function(fmt, s, tz="") {
    if (isRStudio()) {				#nocov start
        warning("This function cannot run inside of older RStudio versions.")
    }								#nocov end
    testFormat_impl(fmt, s, tz=tz)

testOutput <- function(fmt, s) {
    if (isRStudio()) {				#nocov start
        warning("This function cannot run inside of older RStudio versions.")
    }								#nocov end
    testOutput_impl(fmt, s)
eddelbuettel/anytime documentation built on Aug. 2, 2024, 6:07 a.m.