RApiSerialize-package: R API for Serialization

RApiSerialize-packageR Documentation

R API for Serialization


This package provides other packages with access to the internal R serialization code. Access is provided at the C function level via the registered function facility

For convenience and testing purposes, two wrapper functions are also provided at the R level.


  serializeToRaw(obj, version=2, xdr=TRUE)



An R object which is going to (un)serialized by the corresponding function.


An integer selection the R serialization format. Default is 2, and values 2 or 3 are currently supported.


A logical value selection (portable) XDR encoding which is the default. Use FALSE for speed-up suitable for common little-endian system at a loss of portability.


The C code in this package is taken from R source code, where it provided for use by R only in a way that renders it inaccessible to other packages.

This package aims to fill this gap by providing access to the same functionality, at the cost of making a copy.

To use the serialization and deserialization code provided here, a client package simply adds LinkingTo: RApiSerialize in its DESCRIPTION file and includes the header file RApiSerializeAPI.h.


Dirk Eddelbuettel put together this package, based on earlier work by Ei-ji Nakama and Junji Nakano who also included the C code from R for serialization in their Rhpc package. R Core wrote the underlying C code for use in R itself.

The package is maintained by Dirk Eddelbuettel.

See Also

The R source code in src/main/serialize.c.


  ## calling the R wrapper 

eddelbuettel/rapiserialize documentation built on Sept. 8, 2024, 8:48 a.m.