Man pages for eddelbuettel/rcppmlpack2
Rcpp Integration for MLPACK Library

coverTreeNeighborRun a Cover Tree distance analysis
kMeansRun a k-means clustering analysis
LARSRun a lars / lasso / elasticNet regression
lars_dependent_xLARS test data from the mlpack unit tests: regressors
lars_dependent_yLARS test data from the mlpack unit tests: target
linearRegressionRun a linear regression with optional ridge regression
logisticRegressionRun a Logistic Regression
naiveBayesClassifierRun a Naive Bayes Classifier
RcppMLPACK-packageRcpp Integration for MLPACK Library
RcppMLPACK.package.skeletonCreate a skeleton for a new package that intends to use...
testData1kBy3Test data from the mlpack unit tests
testResTest data result from the mlpack unit tests
testSetTest data from the mlpack unit tests
trainResTraining data result from the mlpack unit tests
trainSetTraining data from the mlpack unit tests
eddelbuettel/rcppmlpack2 documentation built on Feb. 2, 2021, 1:51 a.m.