Man pages for edsandorf/gizmo
A collection of tools and utility functions

automatic_error_searchAn automatic error check and search
create_dirCreate a directory
create_dir_structureCreate the directory structure based on the supplied file...
detach_allDetach all non-essential objects from all environments
dot-onAttachPrint package startup message
download_from_githubDownloads a folder and its files from Github
github_api_infoGet Github API information
github_default_branchGet the default branch of a repository
github_download_filesDownload Github Director
github_repo_file_listGet the list of files in the Github repository
gizmogizmo: A collection of tools and utils
initialize_new_projectInitialize a new project
is_package_loadedCheck whether a package is loaded
lastGet the last element of a vector
load_packagesLoad multiple packages
make_file_extensions_regexCreate a regex for file extenstions
plot_multipleArrange multiple plots in a grid
rename_dirRename a directory
rep_colsRepeat columns
rep_rowsRepeat rows
setup_beamerSetup the presentation folder with a Beamer template
setup_modelsSetup models folder
update_beamerUpdate the Beamer templates in the current project
update_from_githubGet updated files from a Github folder
update_modelsUpdate the examples in the models folder
edsandorf/gizmo documentation built on Oct. 7, 2022, 3:45 p.m.