Man pages for edwardcooper/automl
Train hundreds of machine learning models with a few lines of code.

assign_model_namesGive models a meaningful names for comparison.
install_pkg_model_listinstall missing packages from pre-trained models
install_pkg_model_namescheck and install missing package dependencies from a vector...
ml_bwplotA function to visualize the model performance.
ml_cor_filterA function to filter models based on inter-model correlation.
ml_cv_filterA function to filter models based on performance metrics from...
ml_listA wrapper on ml_tune function to train hundreds of machine...
ml_tuneWrapper for auto-tune many ML algorithms supported by caret.
model_list_loadA function to load all rds files in a specified folder from...
timeRecordBA function to record the time used in long time calculation.
timeRecordRA function to read the time record in the timeRecordB...
unload_extra_libraryUnload additional packages from search path.
edwardcooper/automl documentation built on June 3, 2019, 1:05 a.m.