An introduction to the spnetwork package

The spnetwork R package provides a class and several methods for handling spatial networks, where the edges (links) in the network are represented by spatial lines and the nodes (vertices) by spatial points. The spatial information (lines, points) is represented by the sp package, the graph information (edges, vertices, direction) is taken care of by the igraph package. Spatial networks can represent for instance road networks, or river networks.

The spnetwork allows the creation of spatial networks, plotting, summarizing, subsetting, and conversion to lines, points, or graph data structures. Also, weights of network edges (e.g. the length of an edge, or the time it takes to pass it) can be set, retrieved, and modified.

We will start with a little example that creates a toy network from scratch. It looks a bit awkward; in practice we will read edge data from external files, such as shapefiles. The following example creates a SpatialLines object, with a single Line per feature:

l0 = cbind(c(1, 2), c(0, 0))
l1 = cbind(c(0, 0, 0), c(0, 1, 2))
l2 = cbind(c(0, 0, 0), c(2, 3, 4))
l3 = cbind(c(0, 1, 2), c(2, 2, 3))
l4 = cbind(c(0, 1, 2), c(4, 4, 3))
l5 = cbind(c(2, 2), c(0, 3))
l6 = cbind(c(2, 3), c(3, 4))
L1 = function(l) Lines(list(Line(l)), as.character(substitute(l)))
sl = SpatialLines(list(L1(l0), L1(l1), L1(l2), L1(l3), L1(l4), L1(l5), L1(l6)))

The class SpatialNetwork, which looks like


derives directly from SpatialLinesDataFrame, and contains a slot g of class igraph, and a slot weightfield that tracks which information is used to specify weights. The remaining slots, lines, data, bbox and proj4string are derived from SpatialLinesDataFrame.

The function SpatialNetwork creates a spatial network from lines only:

sln = SpatialNetwork(sl)

When given a set of lines only, as done here, it needs to sort out which lines are connected by comparing all first and last points of each line, and forms connections (shared nodes/vertices) when they coincide.

Optionally, SpatialNetwork can be given an igraph object (in which case it will not sort out the graph from the lines), information to override the default weights (line lengths), and (as explained below) also directions.

We can take out the graph constructed by sln@g, and plot several of its properties:

g = sln@g
plot(V(g)$x, V(g)$y, col = V(g)$n, pch = 16, cex = 2, asp = 1)
text(V(g)$x, V(g)$y, as.character(1:length(V(g))), pos = 4)

where node color indicates the number of edges it is shared by.

Here, V(g)$x is the x attribute of the graph vertices (V); similarly,


retrieves graph edge attributes.

We can let igraph plot this graph, as in


and see that x and y attributes are used for the layout, but axes are rescaled and edges are replaced by straight lines.

Directed graphs

In the example above, we can create a directed network by specifying the link directions, with 0 indicating two-way, 1 indicating one-way down-link (i.e. in the direction of the sequence of coordinates of a line), and -1 indicating one-way up-link:

sln = SpatialNetwork(sl, direction = c(0,0,1,1,-1,-1,-1))

we now see that the number of graph edges (9) exceeds the number of line segments (7), by a number equal to the number of two-way streets (2). Each graph edge has an index indicating which lines (links) correspond to it:

g = sln@g

The igraph plot of this graph now indicates edges direction:


and also the spnetwork plot method can add arrows to links that have only one direction:

plot(sln, arrow_size = 1)

A larger example: shortest path, network subset

We'll use Delauny triangulation from package deldir:


The following function converts a set of points into a SpatialPolygons or into a SpatialLines object:

dd <- function(x, ..., to = "polygons") {
    stopifnot(is(x, "Spatial"))
    cc = coordinates(x)
    dd = deldir(list(x = cc[, 1], y = cc[, 2]), ...)
    if (to == "polygons") {
        tm = triMat(dd)
        fn = function(i) Polygons(list(Polygon(rbind(cc[tm[c(i, i[1]),], ]))), i)
        SpatialPolygons(lapply(1:nrow(tm), fn), proj4string = x@proj4string)
    } else if (to == "lines") {
        segs = dd$delsgs
        fn = function(i) Lines(list(Line(cc[c(segs[i, 5], segs[i, 6]), ])), i)
        SpatialLines(lapply(1:nrow(segs), fn), proj4string = x@proj4string)
    } else stop("argument to should be polygons or lines")

We'll generate a set of

n = 300

points in a unit square:

pts = SpatialPoints(cbind(x = sort(runif(n)), y = runif(n)))
sl = dd(pts, to = "lines")

From this object, we can create a SpatialNetwork by

net = SpatialNetwork(sl)

when plotted, we can again use colour to denote the number of vertices connected to each edge:


Now we compute the shortest path from the left-most point (1) to the right-most one (100):

path = get.shortest.paths(net@g, 1, n, output = "both")
sp = as.vector(path$vpath[[1]])
ids = as_ids(path$epath[[1]])

and plot it

plot(net, col = 'grey')
sel = net[ids,]
lines(sel, col = 'red', lwd = 2)
text(V(net@g)$x[c(1, n)], V(net@g)$y[c(1, n)], c("begin", "end"), pos = 4)

Note that net[ids,] subsets the SpatialNetwork object, including the graph structure:


As the edge weights are computed by Line lengths, this is the geographically shortest path from start to end.

Real networks: Toronto, Ottawa

Package spnetwork comes with two toy data sets: torontocentre and ottawacentre. In the following plot, the Toronto city centre is plotted using green for two-way streets, and red for one-way streets, and arrows indicating one-way road direction.

tc = SpatialNetwork(torontocentre, direction = torontocentre$DIRECTION_)
plot(tc, col = ifelse(torontocentre$DIRECTION_ == 0, 'green', 'red'), 
    arrow_size = .3, axes = TRUE)

Shortest path through directed graphs

The following example first finds the shortest path between two arbitrary points (orange) and the corresponding nearest points formed by the graph nodes (blue). From these two blue points, shortest paths are found and plotted by nodes going north (blue circles) and going south (red triangles). Clearly, this leads to two different routes in a directed network.

oc = SpatialNetwork(ottawacentre, direction = ottawacentre$DIRECTION_)
par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
plot(oc, col = ifelse(ottawacentre$DIRECTION_ == 0, 'green', 'red'), arrow_size=.3)
plot(oc, col = ifelse(ottawacentre$DIRECTION_ == 0, 'green', 'red'))
# find two distant points:
m = rbind(
c( -75.70246, 45.40728),
c( -75.69669, 45.42286)
pts = SpatialPoints(m, CRS(proj4string(oc)))
points(pts, col = 'orange', pch = 16)
# find nearest nodes:
oc.p = as(oc, "SpatialPointsDataFrame")
nearest = apply(spDists(pts, oc.p), 1, which.min)
points(oc.p[nearest, ], col = 'blue', pch = 16)
path = get.shortest.paths(oc@g, nearest[1], nearest[2], output = "both")
sp = as.vector(path$vpath[[1]])
ids = as_ids(path$epath[[1]])
points(oc[,ids], col = 'blue', cex = .7, pch = 16)
path = get.shortest.paths(oc@g, nearest[2], nearest[1], output = "both")
# sp = as.vector(path$vpath[[1]])
ids = as_ids(path$epath[[1]])
points(oc[,ids], col = 'red', cex = 1, pch = 2)

edzer/spnetwork documentation built on May 16, 2019, 12:10 a.m.