Man pages for eehh-stanford/yada
Yet Another Demographic Analysis package

analyze_x_posteriorAnalyze an input density by calculating the mean and...
bundle_theta_y_sampleBundle result of Metropolis sampling into a single convenient...
calc_jointCalculate the joint probability for the mixed cumulative...
calcLogLik_theta_yCalculate the log-likelihood for theta_y in the mixed...
calc_mixed_cum_probit_posteriorCalculate posterior for mixed cumulative probit model
calc_new_x_log_densityCalculate the log density for a new observation x
calc_x_densityCalculate the density for x given parameterization theta_x
calc_x_posteriorCalculate the posterior probability for the mixed cumulative...
combCombinadic functions
fit_theta_yDo a maximum likelihood fit for theta_y
get_example_modSpecTransformation functions for theta_y
getIntegInfo_theta_yGet integration info for log-likelihood calculation for...
plot_mixed_cum_probit_posteriorPlot posterior for mixed cumulative probit model
plot_x_posteriorPlot the result of a call to analyze_x_posterior
powLawPower law with a constant offset
powLawMixIndepNegLogLikPower law with mixed ordinal and continuous observations
powLawOrdPower law with ordinal observations
processKidStatsInputDo calculations for input KidStats data
sample_theta_ySample theta_y in the mixed cumulative probit model
save_theta_y_sampleSave a sample of theta_y from the adaptive Metropolis...
theta_y_plot_corrPlot the correlation vector in theta_y across Metropolis...
theta_y_plot_sample_variablePlot a variable in theta_y across Metropolis samples
theta_y_plot_tauPlot tau in theta_y across Metropolis samples
eehh-stanford/yada documentation built on June 18, 2020, 8:05 p.m.