Man pages for eeholmes/SardineForecast
Indian Oil Sardine Data, Code and References for Papers on Forecasting

AICcAICc from gam or lm object
chlChlorophyll-a data from remote-sensing products
ensoOcean Climate Indices
laggedCreate a k-lagged time series
loogamLeave one out cross-validation on gam or lm object
makedatSet up the catch and covariate data as anomalies. It takes a...
maker2qsGet R2 values for linear regression of log catch anomalies vs...
oilsardine_qtrOil sardine landings in metric tons by quarter
oilsardine_yrOil sardine landings in metric tons by calendar year
onsetIndia monsoon onset dates
precipPrecipitation data
refCreate counter for figure and tables
retfitFit linear regression with covariate value lagged
retfit.qtrFit linear regression with covariate value in specific...
SardineForecast-packageDocumentation for Indian oil sardine forecasting papers
sstSea surface temperature data from remote-sensing products
tide_monMonthly tide height data from Cochin
tide_yrYearly mean tide height data from Cochin #'
upwUpwelling indices from remote-sensing products
eeholmes/SardineForecast documentation built on July 17, 2021, 2:56 a.m.