  collapse = TRUE,
  comment  = "#>",
  fig.path = "README-"

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The rong approach to wrong inputs. Two (w)rongs make a right.

rong is a complete reimplementation of valaddin that supports tidyverse semantics.

Since this is a major break in the API of the current CRAN version of valaddin (which appears to have no reverse dependencies), it make sense to start from a clean slate and distinguish this reconception with a new name.


Dealing with invalid function inputs is a chronic pain for R users, given R’s weakly typed nature. rong provides pain relief in the form of an adverb, firmly(), that enables you to transform an existing function into a function with input validation checks, in a manner suitable for both programmatic and interactive use.

Additionally, rong provides:

These functions support tidyverse semantics such as quasiquotation and splicing, to provide a flexible yet simple grammar for input validations.


# install.packages("devtools")


To illustrate rong’s functional approach to input validation, consider the function that computes the barycentric coordinates of a point in the plane:

bc <- function(x, y) {
  c(x, y, 1 - x - y)

When validating inputs, think function transformation

Imagine applying bc() “firmly,” exactly as before, but with the assurance that the inputs are indeed numeric. To enable this, transform bc() using firmly(), relative to the validation specified by the predicate function is.numeric():


bc2 <- firmly(bc, is.numeric)

bc2(.5, .2)

bc2(.5, ".2")

Specify error messages that are context-aware

Using the string-interpolation syntax provided by the glue package, make error messages more informative, by taking into account the context of an error:

bc3 <- firmly(bc, "{{.}} is not numeric (type: {typeof(.)})" := is.numeric)

bc3(.5i, ".2")

Express input validations using tidyverse idioms

rong supports quasiquotation and splicing semantics for specifying input validation checks. Checks and (custom) error messages are captured as quosures, to ensure that validations, and their error reports, are hygienically evaluated in the intended scope—transparently to the user.

z <- 0
in_triangle <- vld_spec(
  "{{.}} is not positive (value is {.})" :=
    {isTRUE(. > !! z)}(x, y, 1 - x - y)

bc4 <- firmly(bc, is.numeric, !!! in_triangle)

bc4(.5, .2)

bc4(.5, .6)

This reads as follows:

Use the same grammar to validate objects

Validating an object (say, a data frame) is nothing other than applying an input-validated identity function to it. The function validate() provides a shorthand for this.

# All assumptions OK, mtcars returned invisibly
         chk_lt(100, nrow(.)),
         chk_has_names(c("mpg", "cyl")))

         chk_gt(100, nrow(.)),

Clarify code structure

Instead of writing

bc_cluttered <- function(x, y) {
  if (!is.numeric(x) || length(x) != 1)
    stop("x is not a number")
  if (!is.numeric(y) || length(y) != 1)    
    stop("y is not a number")
  if (!isTRUE(x > 0))
    stop("x is not positive")
  if (!isTRUE(y > 0))
    stop("y is not in the upper-half plane")
  if (!isTRUE(1 - x - y > 0))
    stop("1 - x - y is not positive")

  c(x, y, 1 - x - y)

use fasten() to highlight the core logic, while keeping input assumptions in sight:

bc_clean <- fasten(
  "{{.}} is not a number" := {is.numeric(.) && length(.) == 1},
  "{{.}} is not positive" :=
    {isTRUE(. > 0)}(x, "y is not in the upper-half plane" := y, 1 - x - y)
  function(x, y) {
    c(x, y, 1 - x - y)

bc_clean(.5, .2)

bc_clean(c(.5, .5), -.2)

In addition to having cleaner code, you can:

Related packages


rong makes essential use of the rlang package by Lionel Henry and Hadley Wickham, which provides the engine for quasiquotation and expression capture. The glue package by Jim Hester enables string interpolation of error messages.


MIT Copyright © 2017 Eugene Ha

egnha/rong documentation built on May 7, 2019, 9:48 p.m.