Man pages for einarhjorleifsson/gisland2
Map data with focus on Icelandic ecoregion

geo_convertConvert latitude and longitude
geo_distanceGeographic distance computation
geo_insideClassifies if points are inside a region
geo_regionAllocate region name to points
gl_lmi_featuresGet overview of LMI features
gl_read_is_harboursRead Icelandic harbours
gradeBinning data
pipePipe operator
pretty_coordinatesPretty coordinates
read_12milesGet 12 miles
read_depthGet depth contours
read_eezGet EEZ
read_grunnlinurGet grunnpunktar
read_grunnpunktarGet grunnpunktar
read_lmiread object
read_sf_ftpRead shapefile from ftp
read_strandlinurGet strandlínur
einarhjorleifsson/gisland2 documentation built on Feb. 12, 2024, 1:14 a.m.