Man pages for ejanalysis/proxistat
Create a Proximity Score in Each Census Unit, Based on Distances to Specified Points (as in EPA's EJScreen tool, for example)

bg.ptsBlock group internal points from Census Bureau for 2020...
blockpoints_area_popBlock points from Census Bureau for 2020 geographies
compile.dbfsRead a series of dbf files and join compile them as a single...
convertConvert units of distance or area
countiesallCounties information from U.S. Census Bureau from 2022
countypointmapSimple map of color-coded counties, wrapper for...
county.ptsapprox lat lon of each US County by FIPS - 2020 A dataset...
deg2radConvert degrees to radians
deltalon.per.kmConvert kilometers (East-West) to degrees longitude.
gcdDistance between two points by Haversine, Spherical Law of...
gcd.hfDistance based on Haversine formula
gcd.slcDistance based on spherical law of cosines used to get block group internal points directly from...
get.distancesFind distances between nearby points, within specified...
get.distances.allFind all distances between two sets of points (based on...
get.distances.chunkedCall a function once per chunk & save output as file (breaks...
get.distances.prepairedFind distances between points, for pairs of points already...
get.nearestFind distance from each point in a set to the nearest of a...
latlon.colnames.checkobsolete - see latlon_is.valid()
latlon_is.validValidate latitudes and longitudes
linesegmentsAdd line segments connecting pairs of points, to a plot
lookup.statesStates and related areas dataset degrees latitude to meters North-South. degrees longitude to meters East-West.
near_eachotherwhich points are near any of the others in list?
pointmapRead a series of dbf files and join compile them as a single...
proxistatProximity Statistic for Each Location and Nearby Points
proxistat.assemble.chunksread files storing proxistat result chunks and assemble into...
proxistat.chunkedCall proxistat once per chunk & save output as file (breaks...
proxistat-packageFind Distances between lat lon Points or Create Proximity...
proxistat.rollupConvert Census Block Proximity Statistics to Block Group...
speedsummaryPrint summary of speed in buffers per hour, given start and...
testpointsGenerate a number of randomly placed points, as...
testpoints_bg22Get lat lon for random US census block groups (where avg...
testpoints_block2010Get lat lon for random US census blocks (where avg person...
testpoints_block2020Get lat lon pop and area for random US census blocks (where...
ejanalysis/proxistat documentation built on Jan. 1, 2025, 10:02 a.m.