county.pts: approx lat lon of each US County by FIPS - 2020 A dataset...

county.ptsR Documentation

approx lat lon of each US County by FIPS - 2020 A dataset containing latitude and longitude approx of each US county, created as average lat and average lon of all block group internal points.


approx lat lon of each US County by FIPS - 2020 A dataset containing latitude and longitude approx of each US county, created as average lat and average lon of all block group internal points.




A data frame with one row per county and FIPS.COUNTY, lat, lon as colnames


 Creating county.pts from bg.pts to get lat lon of middle roughly of county from block group lat lon dataset: 
countylat <- aggregate(bg.pts$lat, by = list(substr(bg.pts$FIPS, 1, 5)), FUN = mean) 
countylon <- aggregate(bg.pts$lon, by = list(substr(bg.pts$FIPS, 1, 5)), FUN = mean) 
countyfips <- countylat$Group.1 
countylat  <- countylat$x 
countylon  <- countylon$x 
county.pts <- data.frame(FIPS.COUNTY = countyfips, lat = countylat, lon = countylon, stringsAsFactors = FALSE) 

 plot(bg.pts$lon, bg.pts$lat, pch = '.', col='gray', xlim = c(-170,-60), ylim = c(18, 75)) 
 points(county.pts$lon, county.pts$lat, pch = '.', col='red')
 text(lookup.states$lon, lookup.states$lat, labels = lookup.states$ST, cex = 0.6)
 Also see

ejanalysis/proxistat documentation built on Jan. 1, 2025, 10:02 a.m.