retinopathy: Retinopathy

retinopathyR Documentation



The retinopathy data contains information on persons with retinopathy.


A data frame with 613 observations on the following 5 variables: - RET: RET=1: no retinopathy, RET=2 nonproliferative retinopathy, RET=3 advanced retinopathy or blind - SM: SM=1: smoker, SM=0: non-smoker - DIAB: diabetes duration in years - GH: glycosylated hemoglobin measured in percent - BP: diastolic blood pressure in mmHg


Bender and Grouven (1998), Using binary logistic regression models for ordinal data with non-proportional odds, J. Clin. Epidemiol., 51, 809-816.

See Also

vaso, Fishing

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