Man pages for ejjunju/EditTerrainJE
Interactively Edit Terrain

example.projectCreate Example project
fx.brksget breaks from a raster based on a given number of breaks....
fx.CheckInstallLoadPkgsFunction to check and install pacakges
fx.clickClick and plot clicked points while still clicking an elevation profile line on a raster
fx.edit.terrainFunction to edit a DEM(depends on other functions above)
fx.ExtractByMaskExtract by mask
fx.PolygonFromRasterClicksDraw Polygon by cklicking in a plotted Raster
fx.Terrain2CurvesPlots volume-elevation curve and hypsographic curve
fx.trailRound and add trailing zeros
hillsPlot terrain with hillsahde
hills.legendPlot a legend
Interactive_terrain_editSelect Working Directory Select raster with elevation data...
POINTS_ZTerrain data example
polygonFromXYFunction to create a SpatialPolygonsDataFrame from a matrix...
raster2x11Function to call x11 with H and W based on a raster's...
RiverTerrain data example
sample.lineFunction for drawing points at a given interval along a line
sample.line.inkl.start.end.make.demFunction for drawing points at a given interval along a line...
shadowtextFunction to add text with a halo/shadow
TerrainTerrain data example
tk.1.stringReturn a value entered using a tk dialog box
tk.1.valueReturn a value entered using a tk dialog box
tk.2.valuesReturn two numeric values entered using a tk dialog box
tk.n.elvReturn n number of values entered using a tk dialog box
tk.n.stringsprompts user to Enter strings and returns them to the...
tk.n.valuesReturn n number of numeric values entered using a tk dialog...
ejjunju/EditTerrainJE documentation built on May 8, 2019, 8:08 a.m.