
# # The same as phenotypePlot, but uses ggrepel to keep labels from overlapping.
# # Defunct - ggrepel now in the PheWAS package
# phenotype_plot <-
#   function(d, max.y,max.x, suggestive.line, significant.line,
#            size.x.labels=9, size.y.labels=9, switch.axis=F, sort.by.value=F, sort.by.category.value=F,
#            #annotation
#            annotate.phenotype.description,
#            annotate.angle=30, annotate.size=5, annotate.level,
#            annotate.phenotype=F,
#            annotate.snp.w.phenotype=F,
#            annotate.snp=F, annotate.snp.angle=0,
#            annotate.list, annotate.only.largest=T,
#            #labels
#            lc.labels=F,
#            x.group.labels=T, x.phenotype.labels=F,
#            sizes=F, direction=F, point.size=3,
#            #plot characteristics
#            use.color=T,
#            color.palette,
#            title= paste0("Phenotype Plot ", date()),
#            x.axis.label="Phenotypes",
#            y.axis.label="Values",
#            y.axis.interval=5) {
#     #Check to ensure the input contains columns phenotype and value
#     if ( sum(c("phenotype","value") %in% names(d))<2 ) stop("Data input must contain columns phenotype and value.")
#     #Check for annotation information
#     if (!missing(annotate.phenotype.description)) {
#       if(class(annotate.phenotype.description)=="data.frame" & sum(c("phenotype","description") %in% names(annotate.phenotype.description))==2) {
#         #Add annotation
#         d=merge(d,annotate.phenotype.description)
#         annotate.phenotype.description=T
#       } else if(annotate.phenotype.description==T & length(d$description)) {
#         #Do nothing, as it is ready.
#       } else {
#         annotate.phenotype.description=F
#         stop("Annotate.phenotype must contain columns phenotype and description, or be TRUE with provided d$description.")
#       }
#     } else {
#       annotate.phenotype.description=F
#     }
#     if ((annotate.snp|annotate.snp.w.phenotype) & !("snp" %in% names(d))) stop("You requested SNP annotation but d$snp is not defined.")
#     if(annotate.snp.w.phenotype&annotate.snp) warning("You requested SNP annotation twice")
#     #Is there any annotation?
#     annotate=annotate.phenotype.description|annotate.phenotype|annotate.snp|annotate.snp.w.phenotype
#     #If so, but nothing listing to annotate, warn and remove annotate flag
#     if(annotate&missing(annotate.level)&missing(annotate.list)) {
#       warning("You requested annotation, but did not specify annotate.level or annotate.list.")
#       annotate=F
#     }
#     #Check for conflicting color commands
#     if(!use.color & !missing(color.palette)) stop("You requested no color, but provided a color palette.")
#     #Check for color
#     if(use.color) {
#       if(missing(color.palette)) {
#         if(!("color" %in% names(d))) stop("You requested color, but did not provide a color attribute in d or color.palette")
#         else if(class(d$color)=="factor") warning("The color attribute is a factor and no color palette is provided: R default color scheme will be used. Convert color to character if it contains color names or codes")
#       }
#       #Set up color if using a palette
#       if(!missing(color.palette)&!length(d$color)) {
#         if(length(d$groupnum)) d$color=d$groupnum
#         else stop("You requested use.color, but d$color or d$groupnum were not provided to distinguish groups.")
#       }
#     } else {
#       #Set the colors to all black if no color is requested
#       d$color="#000000"
#     }
#     #Check for point sizing/direction information if requested
#     if(sizes&!length(d$size)) stop("You requested size information, but did not provide d$size")
#     if(direction&!length(d$direction)) stop("You requested direction information, but did not provide d$direction")
#     #Set point size if sizes are not requested
#     if(!sizes) d$size=point.size
#     #Remove lc.labels flag if no annotations
#     if(!annotate.phenotype.description&!annotate.phenotype&!annotate.snp&!annotate.snp.w.phenotype) lc.labels=F
#     #One cannot sort by value and have x.group.labels
#     if (sort.by.value & x.group.labels) stop("One cannot sort universally by value and have x group labels. Try sort.by.category.value or not labeling the groups.")
#     #Check for group information if requested
#     if((sort.by.category.value|x.group.labels)&(sum(c("groupnum","group") %in% names(d))<2)) {
#       stop("Requested group information, but did not provide d$groupnum and d$group.")
#     }
#     #If no group info, just assign all to group 0
#     if(!("groupnum"%in%names(d))) {
#       d$groupnum=0
#     }
#     #Remove items with NA values or phenotypes
#     d=d[!(is.na(d$phenotype)|is.na(d$value)),]
#     #Sort by the phenotype
#     d=d[order(d$phenotype),]
#     #Set the maximum x value to fit all phenotypes if not specified
#     if(missing(max.x)) max.x = length(unique(d$phenotype))
#     #Create the list of phenotypes, finding the best values for each phenotype
#     phenotypes=aggregate(value ~ phenotype + groupnum, d,FUN=max)
#     #Remove the least significant phenotypes; only has an effect if max.x was specified.
#     phenotypes=phenotypes[order(phenotypes$value, decreasing=T),][1:min(nrow(phenotypes),max.x),]
#     #If the user requested sorting by values
#     if (sort.by.value) {
#       #Sort by values
#       phenotypes=phenotypes[order(phenotypes$value, decreasing=T),]
#     }  else if (sort.by.category.value) {
#       #If the user requested soring by values within each group.
#       #Sort by group and then value
#       phenotypes=phenotypes[order(-phenotypes$groupnum,phenotypes$value, decreasing=T),]
#     } else {
#       #Restore the phenotype sorting order if no other sorting was requested
#       #TODO: What about non-numeric phenotypes? Need this to sort 008 etc.
#       phenotypes=phenotypes[order(phenotypes$phenotype),]
#     }
#     phenotypes$seq = 1:nrow(phenotypes)
#     #Limit to phenotype and seq, as they are the only relevant columns
#     #Include value as min.value for annotation purposes
#     phenotypes=phenotypes[,c("phenotype","seq","value")]
#     names(phenotypes)[3]="min.value"
#     #Add sequence information
#     d=inner_join(phenotypes,d,by="phenotype")
#     d=d[order(d$seq),]
#     #Define the max y axis value if not provided
#     if(missing(max.y)) max.y=ceiling(max(d$value))
#     if(switch.axis) {
#       #Swap ordering
#       d=d[nrow(d):1,]
#       d$groupnum=max(d$groupnum)-d$groupnum+1
#       d$seq=max(d$seq)-d$seq+1
#     }
#     if (x.group.labels) {
#       labels=bind_rows(by(d,d$groupnum,function(x){data.frame(tick=mean(unique(x$seq)),label=as.character(x$group[1]),stringsAsFactors=F)}))
#       labels=labels[order(labels$tick),]
#     }
#     if(missing(color.palette)) {
#       color.palette = unique(d[order(d$seq),]$color)
#       names(color.palette)=color.palette
#     } else {
#       names(color.palette) = unique(d[order(d$seq),]$color)
#     }
#     #Check if we are using switch.axis
#     if(!switch.axis) {
#       #Generate the inital plot
#       plot=ggplot(d,ylab=y.axis.label,xlab=x.axis.label)
#       #Include lines for significance thresholds
#       if (!missing(suggestive.line)&!is.na(suggestive.line)) plot=plot+geom_hline(yintercept=suggestive.line,colour="blue", alpha=I(1/3),size=1)
#       if (!missing(significant.line)&!is.na(significant.line)) plot=plot+geom_hline(yintercept=significant.line,colour="red",alpha=I(1/3),size=1)
#       plot=plot+aes(seq,value,size=size,colour=color)
#       if(!sizes) plot=plot+scale_size(range=c(point.size,point.size),guide="none")
#       #Add points
#       plot=plot+geom_point()
#       #Color as defined
#       plot = plot + scale_colour_manual(values= color.palette, guide="none")
#       #If label the X axis with the groups if requested
#       if (x.group.labels) {
#         plot=plot+scale_x_continuous(name=x.axis.label, limits=c(1,max.x), breaks=labels$tick, labels=labels$label, expand=c(.01,0))
#       } else {
#         plot=plot+scale_x_continuous(name=x.axis.label, limits=c(1,max.x), breaks=c(-100), labels=c(""), expand=c(.015,0))
#       }
#       #Set the Y scale and labels
#       plot=plot+scale_y_continuous(y.axis.label, limits=c(0,max.y), breaks=seq(0,max.y,y.axis.interval), expand=c(0,.2))
#       #Set the default theme
#       plot=plot+theme(
#         panel.background=element_blank(),
#         panel.grid.minor=element_blank(),
#         axis.text.x=element_text(size=size.x.labels, colour="black", angle=-40, hjust=0, vjust=1),
#         axis.text.y=element_text(size=size.y.labels, colour="black"),
#         axis.line =element_line(colour="black"),
#         axis.ticks=element_line(colour="black")
#       )
#     } else {
#       ####Generate plot with switch.axis
#       #Generate the inital plot
#       plot=ggplot(d,xlab=y.axis.label,ylab=x.axis.label)
#       #Include lines for significance thresholds
#       if (!missing(suggestive.line)&!is.na(suggestive.line)) plot=plot+geom_vline(xintercept=suggestive.line,colour="blue", alpha=I(1/3),size=1)
#       if (!missing(significant.line)&!is.na(significant.line)) plot=plot+geom_vline(xintercept=significant.line,colour="red",alpha=I(1/3),size=1)
#       plot=plot+aes(value,seq,size=size,colour=color)
#       if(!sizes) plot=plot+scale_size(range=c(point.size,point.size),guide="none")
#       #Add points
#       plot=plot+geom_point()
#       #Color as defined
#       plot = plot + scale_colour_manual(values= color.palette, guide="none")
#       #If label the Y axis with the groups if requested
#       if (x.group.labels) {
#         plot=plot+scale_y_continuous(name=x.axis.label, limits=c(1,max.x), breaks=labels$tick, labels=labels$label, expand=c(.015,.02))
#       } else {
#         plot=plot+scale_y_continuous(name=x.axis.label, limits=c(0,max.x), breaks=c(-100), labels=c(""), expand=c(.015,0))
#       }
#       #Set the Y scale and labels
#       plot=plot+scale_x_continuous(y.axis.label, limits=c(0,max.y), breaks=seq(0,max.y,y.axis.interval), expand=c(0,.2))
#       #Set the default theme
#       plot=plot+theme(
#         panel.background=element_blank(),
#         panel.grid.minor=element_blank(),
#         axis.text.y=element_text(size=size.x.labels, colour="black", hjust=1, vjust=.5),
#         axis.text.x=element_text(size=size.y.labels, colour="black", hjust=.5, vjust=0),
#         axis.line =element_line(colour="black"),
#         axis.ticks=element_line(colour="black")
#       )
#     }
#     #Hide the legend by default
#     plot = plot+theme(legend.position = "none")
#     #Add OR information
#     if(sizes){
#       plot= suppressWarnings(plot + theme(legend.position="right") +
#                                scale_size("Size", range = c(point.size, 2*point.size)))
#     }
#     if(direction){
#       plot=plot+aes(shape = factor(direction), fill=color) +
#         scale_shape("Direction", solid = TRUE) + scale_shape_manual(values=c(25,24)) +
#         scale_fill_manual(values= color.palette, guide="none")
#     }
#     #If annotation present, start the definitions, otherwise skip it
#     if (annotate) 	{
#       d$annotate=F
#       #If provided with a list of phenotypes to annotate, select those.
#       if(!missing(annotate.list)) d[d$phenotype %in% annotate.list, ]$annotate=T
#       #Include those above the given threshold
#       if((!missing(annotate.level))&(sum(d$value>=annotate.level)>0)) d[d$value>=annotate.level, ]$annotate=T
#       #Select only the largest value for each phenotype to label, unless requested otherwise
#       if(sum(d$value!=d$min.value)>0&annotate.only.largest) d[d$value!=d$min.value,]$annotate=F
#       #If no base descriptions were included, add empty ones
#       if(!annotate.phenotype.description) {
#         d$description=""
#       }
#       #If requested the phenotype annotation, add it
#       if(annotate.phenotype) d$description = d$phenotype %+% ifelse(d$description=="","",":" %+% d$description )
#       #Add snp annotation to the phenotype label
#       if (annotate.snp.w.phenotype) d$description = d$snp %+% ifelse(d$description=="","",":" %+% d$description )
#       #Cap annotation length
#       d$description = substr(d$description,1,60)
#       #Add leading space
#       d$description = paste0("  ",d$description)
#       #If lower case labels are requested, lower case them.
#       if(lc.labels) d$description=tolower(d$description)
#       if(sum(d$annotate)==0) {
#         warning("Annotation requested, but no points met criteria")
#       } else {
#         #Add annotations
#         if(annotate.phenotype.description|annotate.phenotype|annotate.snp.w.phenotype) plot = plot + ggrepel::geom_text_repel(aes(label=description),colour="black",data=d[d$annotate,],size=annotate.size,angle=annotate.angle)
#         #Add SNP annotations
#         if(annotate.snp) plot = plot + ggrepel::geom_text_repel(aes(label=snp),colour="black",data=d[d$annotate,],size=annotate.size,angle=annotate.snp.angle)
#       }
#     }
#     #Add the title
#     plot=plot+labs(title=title) + theme(title=element_text(size=12))
#     plot
#   }
ekawaler/simplePheWAS documentation built on May 16, 2019, 2:24 a.m.