Man pages for ekenah/transtat
Statistical Methods for Infectious Disease Transmission

confint.transphConfidence intervals for estimated coefficients
confint.transregConfidence intervals for estimated parameters
extIdentify rows corresponding to external contact intervals.
print.transph_summaryPrint summary of fitted transph model
print.transreg_summaryPrint summary of fitted transreg model
pvalp-values for model parameters.
pval.transphp-values for estimated coefficients
pval.transregp-values for estimated parameters
summary.transphSummary of fitted transph model
summary.transregSummary of fitted transreg model
survfit.transphCompute survival and cumulative hazard curves from a transph...
transfitNonparametric estimators for infectious disease transmission
transphSemiparametric regression models for infectious disease...
transregParametric regression models for infectious disease...
ekenah/transtat documentation built on Nov. 11, 2021, 3:12 p.m.