An introduction to the LazyMatrix package

Sometimes it doesn't make sense to store your matrices explicitly. LazyMatrix allows you to store them in clever ways that save memory and allow for fast matrix-vector multiplication. In turn, this facilitates speedups for algorithms that only require matrix-vector products -- for example, Facebook's randomized PCA.

In the following examples, you start with a large, sparse matrix $M$, and you want to perform simple operations without causing it to become dense. This vignette will compare the performance of LazyMatrix against a dense-matrix approach using only the Matrix package.


For the demo data, you'll need the R package MAST. This chunk then creates a large, sparse matrix.

  mb = microbenchmark::microbenchmark 
} else {
  mb = function( expr, ... ) try( expr )
#M = CAex
M = t(MAST::maits$expressionmat) 
M = M * matrix(rbinom(prod(dim(M)), p = 0.01, 1), nrow(M), ncol(M))
M = Matrix::Matrix(M, sparse = T )
M = cbind(M, M, M, M, M, M, M, M, M, M)
cat("NNZ: ", sum( M > 0 ), "\n")
cat("Proportion NZ: ", sum( M > 0 ) / prod( dim(M) ), "\n" )
cat("Dimensions: ", dim( M ), "\n" )
Teaching Example

Suppose you wish to shift the rows of $M$ to have mean 0. One way to accomplish this is to subtract a matrix $RE$ where $R\in \mathbb{R^{m\times 1}}$ contains the row-means in a column and $E\in \mathbb{R^{1\times n}}$ contains just 1's. Using the LEFT and RIGHT keywords inside the evaluation rule, you can enforce that evaluation is done efficiently, without explicitly forming the dense and painfully redundant matrix $RE$. In other words, always do $xMy - (xR)(Ey)$ rather than $x(M - RE)y$.

Here's how the code looks.

R    = matrix( nrow = nrow(M), ncol = 1, data = Matrix::rowMeans( M ) )
ONES = matrix( ncol = ncol(M), nrow = 1, data = 1 )
M_shifted = M - R %*% ONES
M_shifted_lazy = NewLazyMatrix( components = list("M" = M, "R" = R, "ONES" = ONES ), 
                                dim = dim(M),
                                eval_rule  = "(LEFT %*% M %*% RIGHT) - (LEFT %*% R) %*% (ONES %*% RIGHT)" )
x = rnorm( ncol( M ) )
mb({M_shifted      %*% x})
mb({M_shifted_lazy %*% x})
cat( "Results are identical to within: ", max(abs((M_shifted      %*% x)  - (M_shifted_lazy %*% x))) )
Teaching Example

Suppose you wish to replace $M$ with residuals from a regression with a few covariates $X$, which means you need to compute $Z \equiv M - X(X^TX)^{-1}X^TM$. If $X$ has relatively few columns, it's much faster to do $wMy - (wX(X^TX)^{-1})(X^TMy)$ than $M - (X(X^TX)^{-1}X^T) M$.

Here's how you could do this from scratch. (But, check out the next example too, because you don't have to do it from scratch every time.)

X = as.matrix( data.frame( intercept = 1, slope = 1:nrow(M) ) )
XtXinv = solve(t(X) %*% X) # this is just 2 by 2
M_regressed = M - X %*% XtXinv %*% t(X) %*% M
M_regressed_lazy = NewLazyMatrix( components = list("M" = M, "X" = X, "XtXinv" = XtXinv ), 
                                  dim = dim(M),
                                  eval_rule  = "( LEFT %*% M %*% RIGHT ) - ( LEFT %*% X %*% XtXinv) %*% ( t(X) %*% M %*% RIGHT ) " )

x = rnorm( ncol( M ) )
mb({M_regressed      %*% x})
mb({M_regressed_lazy %*% x})
cat( "Results are identical to within: ", max(abs((M_regressed      %*% x)  - (M_regressed_lazy %*% x))) )

N.B. Statistics nerds may notice that this example generalizes the previous example -- subtracting the row-wise mean is equivalent to regressing out a constant. This is envisioned to be an especially common use case for MatrixLazyEval ...

Real Usage Example

Regressing out covariates is common enough to be implemented in the function RegressOutLazily.

X = as.matrix( data.frame( intercept = 1, slope = 1:nrow(M) ) )
XtXinv = solve(t(X) %*% X) # this is just 2 by 2
M_regressed = M - X %*% XtXinv %*% t(X) %*% M
M_regressed_lazy = RegressOutLazily( M, X )
x = rnorm( ncol( M ) )
mb({M_regressed      %*% x})
mb({M_regressed_lazy %*% x})
cat( "Results are identical to within: ", max(abs((M_regressed      %*% x)  - (M_regressed_lazy %*% x))) )

You can even compute a randomized SVD on the resulting LazyMatrix. It's not exactly the same, but it's close.

mb({irlba::irlba(M_regressed, 5)}, times = 10)
mb({RandomSVDLazyMatrix(M_regressed_lazy, 5)}, times = 10)
svd_regular = irlba::irlba(M_regressed, 5)
svd_lazy    = RandomSVDLazyMatrix(M_regressed_lazy, 5)
plot( svd_regular$u[, 1], svd_lazy$u[, 1] )

ekernf01/MatrixLazyEval documentation built on July 24, 2022, 2:42 a.m.