Development version of the R package MESS (Miscellaneous Esoteric Statistical Scripts). This package contains a collection of various semi-useful functions that I have written and over the years.

There is no real overall theme to the functions in the package but I have tried to group the contents in the overview below.

To install the development version of MESS run the following command from within R (this requires that the devtools package is already installed on the system.)


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Package overview

The list below is far from complete.

Statistical functions

Power calculations are - for better or worse - part of my job, and while I generally recommend researchers to simulate their design and test procedure, there are some benefits to be gained from asymptotic approximations in standard designs.

In time these will be moved to the Austin package, but for now they still reside in MESS.

Graphical functions

Utility functions

Computational functions


ekstroem/MESS documentation built on July 28, 2023, 4:02 a.m.